Sun Enters Virgo (August 22, 2024) | Astrologer Bill Attride
Virgo, by Jack Baddeley
The Great Work
What is the reason you are here; what is your purpose here on the Earth, and what is your destiny? Some of the greatest minds have pondered these fundamental questions, as they wrestled with the meaning of life, and what will be our fate.
For me, the Ancient Teachings, and within those teachings the lessons brought to us by the gift of Astrology, point to the answer for these mysteries.
Why are we here; what is our purpose on Earth? It is really so simple, and yet so awfully hard, we are simply here to learn to be better humans. In life after life, we encounter opportunities and challenges, and each Zodiacal Sign holds part of the answer as to how we should and will make our destiny, by the manner in which we meet each moment, one after the other.
In Aries we learn the lesson of presence itself, of the power of our attitude as we encounter each moment in the eternal now. In Taurus we learn the lesson of value, of how all of Creation is made from Divine Love, as we learn to live by love with one another. In Gemini we open our minds to the wonder of Creation so that we may learn how to live as intelligent creators. In Cancer we reach deep into the roots of our feeling nature so that we may be guided to care for one another. In Leo we see the light of the divine in each other as we are led by love to respect and honor one another.
Now we have arrived at another turning in these, “songs of the spirit”. At this time every year, and always and forever a most integral part of your nature too, we turn to the gift that is held by the Sign we know as Virgo. In Virgo we observe, adjust, correct and improve ourselves, because in order to grow there must be change, and our growth must be guided by attentive intelligence to the need to live a life of integral balance with one another and our world.
The gifts of Virgo are clarity and focus, as we bring a critical eye to ourselves, to our world and to one another. By our service and dedication through all of our works in the world, from the most menial of tasks to the most meaningful sacrifices, we strive to be better, to become better, to be that better human we are destined to be.
Yes, it is in this most special space of Virgo, it is in this time and in this place where we seek and may find what we have always wanted. Wise ones know that whatever we may wish for or desire, whatever it is that we think might make us happy and content, whatever that might be, there is no way to experience any form of happiness without what you will find here in Virgo.
And what do you seek and what will you find in Virgo? The greatest gift of Virgo is to find your way to be at peace, to live as we were meant to be, which is to live in beauty and harmony with our world and with one another. It is by your self-correction and improvement, through your refinement and service, it is by this great work that you elevate your consciousness and your actions so that you may live in beauty within yourself and with one another too.
Yes, in Virgo you walk the path of self-mastery, sacrifice and selflessness, of dedication and grace to the great work of becoming a better human, and you will do well to remember these words of wisdom so that you will live your life as it was meant to be:
As I walk, as I walk The Universe is walking with me
In beauty, it walks before me
In beauty, it walks behind me
In beauty, it walks below me
In beauty, it walks above me
Beauty is on every side
Surrounded by Beauty
Living in Beauty
Loving in Beauty
May you walk in Beauty
May you live in Beauty
For all your days
May you be at Peace
Surrounded by Beauty
Originally published at on August 21, 2024.