Sun Enters Virgo (August 22, 2022)
The Temple of Attunement
The greatest teachers and thinkers have pondered a question throughout the ages, “What do we truly need to be happy?”. That is, what is the most precious gift that supports all the other “gifts of Life and Spirit”? What do the wise ones and teachers answer when asked, “Of all the gifts of the spirit, which is the most sublime?” With one voice they will say that the greatest gift, the most precious quality without which no other thing or any experience can be truly enjoyed is simply this, the greatest gift of all is “to be at peace”.
Then the question remains, where do we find such peace? Again, the Ancient Teachings and the Wisdom Keepers know this too, that there is a special place which offers this most sublime feeling of peace. But it is not somewhere “out there”, you cannot get there by plane, train, or automobile. No, this special place is found within yourself, in your “higher self”, or more truly, it is your higher self.
For the Truth is the whole Universe is formed as an integral Hierarchy, from the most ethereal and Spiritual down to the densest physical planes. What is behind every particle of Creation is a monad of spirit, the spark of the Divine. And this divine part of you is most especially experienced in those precious moments of Unconditional Love and Acceptance, in your acts of Loving Kindness and Devotion, and in that special sense of being in that place of peace because you are at one with the One within you.
At this time of year, and always and forever present somewhere in your very own chart too, you should bow your head and raise your voice in praise for the gifts of grace, service, and humility that flow from the sacred space we enter called Virgo. After the stretching and striving of Leo, after you were inspired by the encounter with your truer “self” in Cancer, you had to follow your heart, to take a chance and Act and Lead and Love, to expand your performances of self-realizations, after all of that there comes this special time, this space of Virgo, for your adjustment, alignment, and attunement.
You are a work in progress, and though your Higher Self never “left” what you call “heaven”, the hierarchy that is Creation means that you are formed by many vehicles, many “bodies”, all of which stand at their very own stations of spiritual development too. What you are here for, and what is the whole purpose behind our human journey, is for you to become a more complete human. And to do this you work with and through all your vehicles, with the physical body, the emotional body, the mental body, and the higher triad of spirit, you work with them all so that you might lift them up and yourself too. And it is by this, what is known as “the Great Work”, it is by this dedication and devotion that you will eventually become a whole and complete human being.
Yes, it is in Virgo that we return to the element of Earth. After we have burned with the fires of Inspiration in Leo, now we must see what works. By Virgo, we have to work on how we can do better, how we can be better, and how we are here to help one another. We move into a time of transition as one season ends and another approaches, and we use the gift of our faculty of discernment so that we might determine what is more worthy and true; we listen to the “voice of the silence” so that we might be guided in our actions to help and to heal; and we follow the path of the lonely ones whose hearts are filled with love and joy because there is no higher purpose or calling except Service and Sacrifice.
In Virgo we enter the “Temple of the Soul” and seek to understand why we must endure these tests and trials that bring us suffering. We are told that these tests are brought to us by the law of cause and effect, so that we are the very instruments of our own spiritual awakening. We accept that our tribulations as the means by which we will eventually let go of a lesser way of being and rise into our glory. We suffer because we do not understand; and by breaking our attachments to the illusionary, we see the way of Light and of Truth. We understand that we are here for one purpose, and that these trials and tribulations forge our understanding, and they lift our hearts and minds, and bring us to our place of peace so that we might abide in the loving presence at the heart of all Creation.
The ancient temples that held and guided the initiates of long ago are no longer here. But the everlasting temple of spirit resides within you. In Virgo you enter your inner temple, the Temple of Attunement, so that you may find your way to the path of Truth and Beauty and be at peace.
The way to Peace is the path to the One, and you will find this path when you hold in your heart this way of Truth:
As I walk, as I walk The Universe is walking with me In beauty, it walks before me In beauty, it walks behind me In beauty, it walks below me In beauty, it walks above me Beauty is on every side Surrounded by Beauty Living in Beauty Loving in Beauty May you walk in Beauty May you live in Beauty For all your days May you be at Peace Surrounded by Beauty
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