Sun Enters Taurus (April 20, 2023) | Astrologer Bill Attride
Who am I; What am I?
Today we enter the second realm of the Circle of the Living Ones, the “sacred-made-real” home of Taurus. Forever somewhere in your own chart, and always at this time of the year, we dance and sing and give our thanks to the eternal light that shines in the first of the Fixed signs of the Zodiac.
For the past 30 days you have been guided, shaped, and inspired to consider the fundamental truth that forms your existence, that brings your past and your future together in the only place you exist which is in the “eternal now”. And through each and every moment where you redeem your past and create a better future for yourself and your world, you come to understand that the only thing you can control is this, which is what kind of awareness and presence you bring into this next and every single moment. You need to be “aligned to your highest presence” yet equally aware of the space you are entering; to be aware of how you must constantly refine and seek to understand the first question of life, that most profound of questions, “who are you?”.
But now the next lesson of life may prove to be even more challenging and yet equally rewarding…for now the Lords of Destiny will bring you to consider the nature, quality, meaning, and purpose of the second Circle of the Living Ones which is “what are you?”
It may seem quite obvious, at least at first, that of course I am here is this human body, this wonderous physical vehicle for life on Earth. I am simply that! But looks can be deceiving, and through our tools and methods of reason and science, and from our spiritual inspirations and insights, we have come to understand how very many dimensions and “states of matter” or reality there are!
Whether we approach ourselves and all that surrounds us from a purely scientific approach, or follow the path of the ancient wisdom, or indeed listen to our own higher intuitive self, we have come to understand that the question of “what is the ‘what’” is profound, and yet when we step back and consider the very root of things, I believe that it can be very simple to understand too.
From the Ancient Wisdom we have the understanding that Creation is formed of Energy-Matter, and that Parabrahman and Mulaprakriti are the Sanskrit terms for this division of what is truly an inseparable union and relationship of Energy and Form, wherein we can see Spirit as the most ethereal form of matter, and matter as the densest form of Spirit. From the latest revelations in modern science we find, not surprisingly, that this same notion of Energy and Matter being interwoven and integral so as to form the essential nature of reality as elegantly stated in Einstein’s equation of Energy equals Mass times the speed of Light squared, E = mc 2 .
What you and I are made of is infinitely complex, and the Perennial Teachings hold that we are formed by hosts of energy-forms that form our twelve levels of being, from the most material to the most ethereal. In material terms we stretch from the monads and atoms to molecules and organs, to our entire encompassing vehicle for life on this earth. And, yet equally, each of these is in itself a hierarchy of energy-forms ranging from the physical body to the etheric body, to the emotional and lower mental bodies, and on up to our divine triad of our highest self, our Manas, Buddhi, and Atman.
Yes, it can be so complex and confusing to sort through all the various realms, forms, bodies, and energies, so I believe it helps if we can simply understand that all of this, that everything and everyone exists or is formed by the one root cause behind Creation. And this essential “that” is the energy-form that was at the beginning and sustains the entirety of Creation, and we know it and we feel it as Divine Unconditional Love.
This is the message, and this is the story of Taurus. That is what you are, and what everyone and everything is, which means that the tree and rock, and the lake and flower, and the bird and planet and stars above, that all of this is shining with the light of Divine Love. The whole Universe was made by love and was made to be loved and to be lived with love.
So let us celebrate this gift of Love, this wonderous, luminous, and resplendent Creation.
Let us move into the space of Taurus and know that what we are is love.
That our true nature is priceless, as is everything and everyone around us.
Let us be what we are and live as we should.
Let us be,
Originally published at on April 20, 2023.