Sun Enters Taurus (April 19, 2024) | Astrologer Bill Attride
What Are You Made Of?
Today we move into the second realm in the Circle of the Living Ones, the sign of Taurus. Always somewhere in your chart, and especially at this time every year, you will find great wisdom, inspiration, alignment, and peace from this sacred vessel of value.
For the past 30 days, the light behind creation has illumined your experience of your self-awareness, of what I call your “presence”, which is how you learn to strive to meet each moment upon your path with awareness and proper intention, where you move-yet-remain-forever in the space of the One, in “the eternal now”. It is by Aries that you meet the first gift of Spirit, here in the opening of the Fire Signs you explore and find your sense of yourself, as you must answer the first question of life which is, “who are you?”
But perhaps a more profound mystery is before you here, because in Taurus you encounter the second question in your journey of becoming. It is in this sacred space that you “simply” need to understand “what are you?”, that is, what are you made from, what is the value of you?
You and I may feel and think that we are a single, distinct, separate being. We certainly have this intuitive experience of being a “one”, which ultimately comes from the gentle whisperings of our higher self, from our precious monad or atman, our innermost spark of the divine. But we are really made from a composite of many energy-forms, of many lives and bodies, ranging from the seemingly dense matter forms of our cells and organs onto ever more insubstantial forms, rising through our physical body with all its molecules and organs, into our astral body, to our emotional body, into the lower and higher mental bodies, and finally held as one by our higher spiritual self.
Whether you take the path of faith or the path of science, by metaphysical alchemy or by physical chemistry, the universe is formed by complex intersections of energy-forms. We and all of Creation are truly a field of energy-forms that are intimately interconnected with one another, as we are immersed, surrounded, and interpenetrated by all the energy fields and forms with whom we journey. The Universe is in fact a Field of fields, a Hologram of holograms.
According to the Ancient Wisdom, (and more and more by modern scientists too, though they use a very different paradigm), the Universe is formed at its most fundamental level by pure Spirit, which in its essence is just the most etherealized form of Matter, just as Matter is the densest manifestation of Spirit…in effect, they are truly one and the same, for all these energies, fields, and beings are really the Mind, Body and Spirit of the One. I like to say, we are spirit dancing through the material worlds, winging our way through the cosmos, becoming ever more conscious co-creators of Creation.
You are a unique dewdrop of the one Divine Light; you are Spirit-Life-Consciousness whose most sublime energy-form is held by your precious monad, itself formed as a triad of Atman, Buddhi, Manas. From these three-in-one, you unfold and form the denser bodies or vehicles required for existence here on Earth.
So, exactly what are you made of then, what is it that creates the value of you? It is quite evident that moment to moment, day after day, from the beginning of your life until the end or your days, you will experience the value(s) of yourself as waxing and waning, as warping and weaving into new qualities and quantities of value and meaning. With so much variation in any one day, or year or during your entire life, what is it that forges and forms the essential or root value of you?
The Root of all value, the primal Energy-Form that shines through all the innumerable hierarchies of Spirit-Life-Consciousness in the Universe is this: it is the Unconditional Love of the One. This fountain-source of Light and Love is in all of us as it is in every single particle of Creation. The everlasting Truth behind Creation and in each one of us is that we are all “priceless”, for we are made of the Unconditional Love of the One, and we are here because of this Love, and we are here to live by this Love.
Yet you and I are imperfect, so that for the most part we do not experience ourselves as priceless at all. We are not fully formed or perfected humans because our self-realizations, whether bodily, emotionally, mentally, and even spiritually, are not yet what they can be and will be someday.
You and I are on a journey through many forms and lives, and we are here for one reason only, to learn to become a better human, to be more attuned and aligned with our higher self. But to do this we must learn to choose what is more perfect from less perfect, to be more loving, and less fearful, and this takes many days, years, and lives; we make ourselves into what we will be by many joyful and painful experiences until we become a fully awakened One, a being of pure Light and Love.
So, what you experience as value rising and falling, that is real. Some days you feel on top of the world, and on some you may feel as if the world is on top of you! But you should know this, that as much as the arc of your life and the value of you will wax and wane in any life, it will also, because of what you are truly made of, you will rise and reach towards the inevitable, as the physical strength of your youth will yield to the gifts of spiritual wisdom and grace as you age.
Indeed, it is this very arc of your life, of powers waxing then waning, it is this which will bring the fundamental truth home to you, that you will only find everlasting peace in the value that will never diminish.
Yes, the heart of you, your spark of the Divine and the Love it holds will remain as you were in the beginning and will always be, for it is the source of all measures, beyond all measures. You are human now, but that is merely the form of your self-realization at this point in your never-ending journey as a one of the One. But you need to understand that you are a spark of the Divine who is on a never-ending journey of the “Self-That Is Becoming”. You are a monad, an unfolding Spiritual Fire of Life-Spirit-Consciousness.
Yes, it is in Taurus that you appreciate the Divine made real, the infinite potential of Spirit made to shine in the sunrise and the sunset, in the flowers and trees, in the oceans and mountains, in the moon and the stars…and forever in you.
Behind it all, shining through one and through all,
Is pure, unconditional love.
That is how you came to be, that is why you are.
This is what you are.
Originally published at on April 19, 2024.