Sun Enters Sagittarius (November 22, 2023) | Astrologer Bill Attride

Bill Attride
4 min readNov 22, 2023


by Jake Baddeley

The Sto­ry of Creation

Today you enter the realm of Sagit­tar­ius, and at this time of the year, and ever present some­where in your very own chart too, you seek to under­stand who we are and why we are here. You look with­in for answers, and out­ward­ly to the worlds around you, and most impor­tant­ly you share with one anoth­er too.

We do this because it is how we became human. We are made by our rela­tion­ships, we are formed by shared expe­ri­ences and real­i­ties, and we have told our sto­ries which shaped and formed what it means to be human con­tin­u­ous­ly. It is in Sagit­tar­ius that we hold our wealth of expe­ri­ences. Whether by pet­ro­glyphs, pot­tery, or paint­ings, or by song, opera, dance, or by fic­tions and non-fic­tions, or through spir­i­tu­al­i­ty, phi­los­o­phy, math, sci­ence, num­bers, in all these ways of weav­ing our sto­ry we have shared our knowl­edge and wis­dom. We are what we made of our­selves, and this is our human story.

You have just left the time and space of Scor­pio. It is there that you expe­ri­ence the forge of Spir­it, which is that all of Cre­ation is formed and dri­ven by the pow­er of Alche­my, which is the mys­tery and majesty of com­bi­na­tion. Yes, all that is, from the most infin­i­tes­i­mal to the most celes­tial, all of this is Spir­it arranged into the numer­ous hier­ar­chies of the man­i­fest, from the dens­est to the most ethe­re­al, and all of “that” is in a con­stant state of unfold­ing, com­bin­ing, and transforming.

What we expe­ri­ence for our­selves, and all that we per­ceive in the worlds around us, is what I like to call “the dance of spir­it” through the many forms of mat­ter. This is the fun­da­men­tal Sto­ry of Cre­ation, that from the One came each and every mon­ad of spir­it cease­less­ly mov­ing many forms or tem­ples of man­i­fes­ta­tion. And for each par­ti­cle of Spir­it, for every spark of the Divine, they must leave any mat­ter-form once it has out­lived and served its pur­pose. What we wit­ness in all the hier­ar­chies of Cre­ation is a series of forms and lives one after the oth­er, which we expe­ri­ence as the ever-unfold­ing path of birth, death, and rebirth for­ev­er and ever.

Yes, it is in Scor­pio that you “meet the truth”, that you are an Immor­tal in a mor­tal body. And that your life will be lived bound to this real­i­ty: if you have Joy, you will expe­ri­ence Pain, and if you have Love, you will expe­ri­ence Loss. This is the gift of becom­ing self-aware, so that in any moment when you find your­self with such a pain or loss, but also when you expe­ri­ence an unimag­in­able joy too, you are moved into an altered space, to a realm beyond words. You have to wait for your feel­ing to become an intu­ition, and that intu­ition to become a thought, and that thought to become part of your sto­ry, and then your sto­ry can become part of the knowl­edge and wis­dom of the world too.

Now you enter the realm of Sagit­tar­ius; here are found the Tem­ples of Truth. Because your jour­ney is part of the human jour­ney, and many, many souls have come this way before. Yes, the truth of much has been dis­cov­ered (and redis­cov­ered) and is held in the great teach­ings of the ages. The great­est sages that we know such as Con­fu­cius, Bud­dha, Lao Tzu, Zoroast­er, Pythago­ras and so many oth­ers known (and so many more who are not), held high the lamp of truth for us to find our way.

But what these known and unknown “keep­ers of the flame” found is what you will find too, that Truth is omnipresent and ever­last­ing. Why, because it forms the very sub­stance and mean­ing of the Uni­verse. The truth is out there, and it is with­in you too, as it forms the warp and weft of the entire uni­verse. That is why you can per­ceive it, that is why you can know the truth. Because what you see out there in the stars above is the same truth that shines in your very own heart too.

At the root of it all, is the Divine Light of the One, the same light that is your high­er self, and who for­ev­er guides your jour­ney of awak­en­ing. From life to life, the path you fol­low is forged by you as you lis­ten to the Eter­nal Light with­in your­self as you see it equal­ly shin­ing all around you too…yes, the whole of the Uni­verse is “shin­ing” with the Light of the One.

It is by reach­ing with­in, and equal­ly by reach­ing out to one anoth­er, it is by this weav­ing of your sto­ry and by all these sto­ries of Cre­ation, it is by this that you will slow­ly but sure­ly move for­ward with Love and Humil­i­ty to Wis­dom and Peace.

This is the gift of Sagittarius.

This is the Sto­ry of Creation.

Originally published at on November 22, 2023.



Bill Attride
Bill Attride

Written by Bill Attride

Mr. Attride is known for his unique integration of the spiritual and the psychological dimensions of Astrology.

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