Sun Enters Sagittarius (November 22, 2022) | Astrologer Bill Attride
The Stairway to Heaven
It is in Scorpio that you face the heart of Truth, the burning bright seed which is the Fountain Source of all the Truths. In the Alchemical Space that drives the becoming of Spirit, in the beating Heart of Spirit where the many ones combine to form ever greater ones, it is here at the center of Creation that you experience the Joy and the Pain, your Ecstasy and your Agony, of being an Immortal moving through mortal realms, which is the Journey of Spirit we know as Birth, Death and Re-Birth.
But while in that realm of sacrifice and self-transcendence, you found yourself in a space beyond comprehension, beyond your present-day words and understanding. So, you had to wait, you had to let go of your certainty and experience what is beyond yourself; you had to accept with humility, grace and reverence what lies beyond. And with this gift of spirit, you moved along the path of awakening into what is always before you, you went across the threshold to a Greater Understanding.
At this time of year, and forever somewhere in your very own chart too, we celebrate the realm that holds our Temples of Truth, today we begin the month of Sagittarius. Whether by Religion, Science, Philosophy or Art, in realms of ordinary but necessary practical knowledge or in the most sublime heights of Divine Truth, all that you may understand is possible because you are made of these very same Truths too. What is you, well that also surrounds, holds, and embraces you too; for what is above is also below, and from the most infinitesimal to the greatest, all of Creation is the Spirit-Life-Consciousness of the One. You can see the Light Divine because it is you and all around you too. That is why the youngest and oldest of us can see it too, that everything and everyone is “shining”.
You stand upon the shoulders of great souls who came this way before. And by their efforts and through their love they left for you the precious treasures of wisdom and truth to help you walk the path of Awakening. The greatest of these that are known to us we honor as our wise ones, Confucius, Buddha, Lao Tzu, Zoroaster, and Pythagoras, and so many more whose names remain unknown but who lifted the veil for one and for all.
For this is how we made ourselves “human”; we told our stories to one another and lifted a little more the veil of Isis to reveal the wonder of Creation. Whether by pictographs on cave walls, in songs and by dance, or in poetry and prose, formed into sculptures, paintings, and held by science and philosophy, by whatever medium and by whatever means we tell one another our stories; we add to the story that is Creation which is our story too.
That is why it is so important for us to share our experiences, to compare our findings, stories, truths, and beliefs. We seek to understand the world within and around us, and we can only do this if we approach one another with openness and love. We can only discern what is truer from the less true by sharing with one another, by comparing, contrasting, correcting, and affirming what is closer to the light of the Divine.
So, at this time of Thanksgiving, let us gather together and share with one another our experiences and our discoveries, let us restore our hope and lift one another out of fear. Let us be a light for one another as we push beyond the shadows to reveal the light that is shining through one and all. Let us tell one another our stories, and may we laugh and cry and move into our greater understanding.
Let us walk the stairway to the stars.
Let us shine with our love for one another.
And may Light and Love and Truth be our gift to one another now and forever more.
Originally published at on November 22, 2022.