Sun Enters Sagittarius (November 22, 2022) | Astrologer Bill Attride

Bill Attride
3 min readNov 22, 2022


The Stair­way to Heaven

It is in Scor­pio that you face the heart of Truth, the burn­ing bright seed which is the Foun­tain Source of all the Truths. In the Alchem­i­cal Space that dri­ves the becom­ing of Spir­it, in the beat­ing Heart of Spir­it where the many ones com­bine to form ever greater ones, it is here at the cen­ter of Cre­ation that you expe­ri­ence the Joy and the Pain, your Ecsta­sy and your Agony, of being an Immor­tal mov­ing through mor­tal realms, which is the Jour­ney of Spir­it we know as Birth, Death and Re-Birth.

But while in that realm of sac­ri­fice and self-tran­scen­dence, you found your­self in a space beyond com­pre­hen­sion, beyond your present-day words and under­stand­ing. So, you had to wait, you had to let go of your cer­tain­ty and expe­ri­ence what is beyond your­self; you had to accept with humil­i­ty, grace and rev­er­ence what lies beyond. And with this gift of spir­it, you moved along the path of awak­en­ing into what is always before you, you went across the thresh­old to a Greater Understanding.

At this time of year, and for­ev­er some­where in your very own chart too, we cel­e­brate the realm that holds our Tem­ples of Truth, today we begin the month of Sagit­tar­ius. Whether by Reli­gion, Sci­ence, Phi­los­o­phy or Art, in realms of ordi­nary but nec­es­sary prac­ti­cal knowl­edge or in the most sub­lime heights of Divine Truth, all that you may under­stand is pos­si­ble because you are made of these very same Truths too. What is you, well that also sur­rounds, holds, and embraces you too; for what is above is also below, and from the most infin­i­tes­i­mal to the great­est, all of Cre­ation is the Spir­it-Life-Con­scious­ness of the One. You can see the Light Divine because it is you and all around you too. That is why the youngest and old­est of us can see it too, that every­thing and every­one is “shin­ing”.

You stand upon the shoul­ders of great souls who came this way before. And by their efforts and through their love they left for you the pre­cious trea­sures of wis­dom and truth to help you walk the path of Awak­en­ing. The great­est of these that are known to us we hon­or as our wise ones, Con­fu­cius, Bud­dha, Lao Tzu, Zoroast­er, and Pythago­ras, and so many more whose names remain unknown but who lift­ed the veil for one and for all.

For this is how we made our­selves “human”; we told our sto­ries to one anoth­er and lift­ed a lit­tle more the veil of Isis to reveal the won­der of Cre­ation. Whether by pic­tographs on cave walls, in songs and by dance, or in poet­ry and prose, formed into sculp­tures, paint­ings, and held by sci­ence and phi­los­o­phy, by what­ev­er medi­um and by what­ev­er means we tell one anoth­er our sto­ries; we add to the sto­ry that is Cre­ation which is our sto­ry too.

That is why it is so impor­tant for us to share our expe­ri­ences, to com­pare our find­ings, sto­ries, truths, and beliefs. We seek to under­stand the world with­in and around us, and we can only do this if we approach one anoth­er with open­ness and love. We can only dis­cern what is truer from the less true by shar­ing with one anoth­er, by com­par­ing, con­trast­ing, cor­rect­ing, and affirm­ing what is clos­er to the light of the Divine.

So, at this time of Thanks­giv­ing, let us gath­er togeth­er and share with one anoth­er our expe­ri­ences and our dis­cov­er­ies, let us restore our hope and lift one anoth­er out of fear. Let us be a light for one anoth­er as we push beyond the shad­ows to reveal the light that is shin­ing through one and all. Let us tell one anoth­er our sto­ries, and may we laugh and cry and move into our greater understanding.

Let us walk the stair­way to the stars.

Let us shine with our love for one another.

And may Light and Love and Truth be our gift to one anoth­er now and for­ev­er more.

Originally published at on November 22, 2022.



Bill Attride
Bill Attride

Written by Bill Attride

Mr. Attride is known for his unique integration of the spiritual and the psychological dimensions of Astrology.

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