Sun Enters Sagittarius (November 21, 2020)
Scorpio to Sagittarius; Self-Transcendence to Wisdom
It is in the realm of Scorpio that you move beyond the Illusion of Separation and into the Reality of Oneness; you experience the essential interconnectedness of all humans with one another, and truly with all life-forms. You move beyond your more limited notions of self towards a space of self-transcendence and illumination. It is this gift of Union and Rebirth that forms your gateway to the Greater Understanding.
The Alchemical experiences held by Scorpio are the foundation for the entirety of Creation, which is the Journey of Spirit formed by the countless sparks of the Divine who make up the One; Creation is the “Self-Becoming Spirit”, formed by the sparks of the Divine unfolding/evolving by Combinations and Transformations, by Unions and Separations, by Births and Deaths and Rebirths.
Scorpio holds the keys to the mysteries of the Universe and equally of yourself. But oftentimes these encounters in Alchemy, these “highest of highs, and the lowest of lows”, will leave you in a place with no words, no concepts, no way to understand consciously what you have experienced or witnessed, at least for some time. You must wait, at the crossing point between the darkness and the light, for Understanding; you must pause at the threshold of Truth for the next Wind of the Spirit.
This is the Gift of Sagittarius, and wherever it is found in your chart, and at this time every year, you are reminded once again that you are on a journey to a Greater Understanding. You are part of a great company of souls who are on a path of Awakening; beginning long ago as unself-aware sparks of the Divine, your destiny is to become self-aware, fully conscious Co-creators of Creation.
Here in Sagittarius you enter the realm of the Wisdom-Keepers, the Temples of Truth, and the Watchers of the Eternal Flame. You seek to know the Truth “out there”; but know this, that very same truth is woven through your entire being. How could it be otherwise? What equally forms you is also the Noumena of the One who is the Universe, “I am That I am”. Truth is omnipresent, it is Shining through everywhere, in every mote and speck, in every planet, star and Galaxy. The Ancient Ones, The Wise Ones understood this truth: “As Above, So Below”.
How can you come to know the Truth?
Look Within. Listen to your heart; there is within you a source of Inherent Wisdom; it is to be found in your Gentle, Intuitive and Unconditionally Loving Self. If you listen to your higher self, you will not stray far from the golden rule, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you”.
Look Without. Listen to one another; you are made by one another, as your understanding is formed by all the experiences you share with one another, in ages past down to this very day. We humans are Storytellers; we depend upon one another to make one another, and we do this by sharing our impressions, experiences, discoveries. We divine what is truer from the less true, by comparing, contrasting, arguing, and laughing with one another. If you listen to one another, you will stay on the One True Path of Light, “Love One Another”.
Look Around. We live in a Creation that is formed by the One, and it is Hierarchically arranged in and governed by Spiritual, Mental, Emotional and Physical Laws. Much has been discerned and discovered before your time, and we are the heirs to a mighty fortune, a veritable Temple of Truth. There are several paths you may follow or combine to share in this wealth that is Wisdom. You will find it in the Holy Teachings held in the heart of every Religion; in the Metaphysical and Philosophical Truths of the Wise Ones; in the Halls of Science where the Physical Laws of this Universe are enumerated; and also in the Arts, it is in Literature, Music, Dance, Sculpture, Painting, and so much more; there are so many stories we have shared, so many gems of wisdom and truths to behold for you. Treasure these Temples of Spiritual Truth and Wisdom for they are the hard-won gifts from your ancestors.
The Way. There is no one path to follow, but all these paths, inward, outward, upward, they all lead to the Everlasting Light of the One. Step by step, Truth by Truth, the path you follow is forged by finding this Eternal Light within yourself and equally shining around you in Nature and in one another too. It is by this, it is by Self-Transcendence, of reaching beyond oneself to one another and to the Greater Understanding, it is by this that you move steadily forward in Love and with Humility to Wisdom and Peace. You are on a path with the many, the luminous ones of the One.
So, come together with one now another, and let us give thanks. Tell your stories, sing your songs, and dance your dances. This is what you are made for; this is what you are made of. This is how we were; this is who we are; this is the way we will be ones of the One.
This is the Gift of Sagittarius, the Wisdom of the Ages.
And may the Light of Truth, Love and Understanding be with you all.
Originally published at