Sun Enters Pisces (February 18, 2024) | Astrologer Bill Attride
The Jewel in the Lotus, the Light in the Darkness, to Dream and Become
We have reached the last month in the Astrological calendar, today we enter the sign of Pisces. At this time every year, yet truly present every day in some place within your own chart too, you need to hold yourself to the truth behind all truths. That you are a one of the One, and that the divine spark within you, that is you, and that this forms the essential nature and truth of every particle of Creation too. The Truth behind all of this is that we are One in spirit.
At the end of every hour, of every day, of every year, and every life, you will look back so that you might look ahead. You seek to understand the what and why, the where and how of the mystery of life, of all that is, of all of this, the why behind it all, why are any of us here.
The Ancient Teachings hold the Stories of Creation, and central to all of them is the “Circle of the Living Ones”, the Zodiac, which forms the framework or web of Creation. These are the twelve Energy-Forms that shape and form, that inspire and guide every monad, atom, molecule, particle, being, star and galaxy that fill the firmament, and it is this which forms the luminous body of the One. The Zodiac is the Design Body or framework for Creation, and it is from these sacred twelve that we can understand the what and the why of our journey.
Do you know what you are? You are a spark of the one Divine Light. Do you know why you are? Because the One became the many, and each and every spark of the Divine began a journey, which is to follow the essential purpose of Spirit, which is “to be and become”. You, and all of Creation, you are here to unfold your pure essential self, your Swabhāva or Quintessence, because you are an essential part of the mystery and majesty and the promise of Creation.
Yes, each sign of the Zodiac holds a piece of the puzzle, forming and inspiring each particle of Creation, according to its particular level of self-realization, and here at the end of the stories of the Zodiac, of all the stories and chapters of your hours, days, and years, you need to hold each strand and story of your life together as they must always be, as one.
This is the gift that comes from all of the water signs, which is move beyond the bounds of mind so as to feel and intuit, to listen for the gentle whispering of the immortal within, and so catch a glimpse beyond any limit of ordinary thought or mind, to dream and discover some greater understanding of the meaning and purpose of your life.
Yes, each sign holds a most special truth, about what makes you, you. The final special gift, the awesome power and responsibility that we have from Pisces is this, that what you are and how you are and why you are is because you are the “creator of you”. That it is all that you think, and all that feel, and all that you do, that this is what makes the future you.
What is the most special gift from Pisces? It is that in your heart of hearts you are the “dreamer-creator”, that you are inspired by the spirit within you to imagine and dream of what you and your world might be…and then you make it so. But then why, why is the world the way it is? Because you, and everyone else is still learning. You are imperfect, and when you create what your dream might be, you also mix in, sometimes more, sometimes less, you also mix in what you also fear might be. And so, what you create is a future that is just as you are, not quite as you imagined it would be.
That is why the gift of Pisces is to see the whole story, to realize that we have made this world as it is. We, like all of Creation, are held within the Law of Karma, and what we sow we shall reap. That is also why the gift of Pisces is to realize that our final test is before us now, and that the only thing we have to fear, is fear itself.
And how do you do that, how do you learn to live without fear?
This is the greatest gift from Pisces. How do you overcome fear? You become free from fear by your faith. Not by a leap of faith, or faith in some divine intervention from above or beyond ourselves. The gift of Pisces is your “living faith”, that you are indeed the creator of your future, and that you have nothing to fear because whatever you will face, you were the one that made it…and you can face it and you can change it.
All you need to do is believe, to have faith, and remember what makes you what you are. You are the living embodiment of the source and the power of faith.
Your faith is the Love of the One, and that is why you are here.
We are the ones of the One, we are made by divine love.
We are here to love one another and this entire Creation.
We will not live in fear, and we will make that better future by dreaming-creating and loving today, tomorrow and for all our days to come.
And may we all live in the Light of Truth, Love and Understanding.
Originally published at on February 18, 2024.