Sun Enters Pisces (February 18, 2023) | Astrologer Bill Attride

Bill Attride
4 min readFeb 18, 2023

Alpha and Omega, The Nev­er-end­ing Sto­ry, the end is but a beginning.

Today we reach the “end” of the Astro­log­i­cal year, and at this time every year, and for­ev­er some­where in your very own chart too, you are giv­en this holy peri­od and this sacred space so that you can “see and hold as one” your life of lights and shad­ows. You are only here and walk for­ev­er in one space-time, the shin­ing pres­ence of the Eter­nal Now, ever reap­ing what you have sown and sow­ing what you will become. But let us remem­ber that to become the human you will some­day be, you will need to move into these sacred times and spaces of con­tem­pla­tion and inte­gra­tion, of remem­brance and dream­ing, as you walk with faith through the cos­mos, where dark­ness dances with the light.

Here at Pisces, at the end of a cycle, you will find your next begin­ning. Because your life is not a line, it is a spi­ral­ing jour­ney, a danc­ing ener­gy-form made by and from your Love. From the first les­son of “pres­ence” in Aries, to the “cen­ter­ing” of self by Can­cer, from the “cre­ation” of shared space in Libra and the “self-ful­fill­ment” of respon­si­bil­i­ties in Capri­corn, and from all the ways and signs in between, you have come around the Cir­cle of the Liv­ing Ones once more to receive this final gift of the Spir­it for you.

This gift of grace holds the truth to them all, which is that you are the dream­er cre­at­ing the future you will be. For the dreams you dream will become the thoughts that you think, and those thoughts will inform and form the actions you take. The Law of Kar­ma will be ful­filled, so that what you give is what you will get, and it will be as it always has been, that you are the cre­ator-mak­er and the reaper of you. And from the deep­est part of you, from the inti­ma­tions lov­ing­ly held in your high­er self you will know, that you were made by the Light and Love of the One, and your only true pur­pose is to love one anoth­er and be the love that you are.

From your begin­ning in anoth­er life in Aries, you strove to be and become what you are, a unique shin­ing pres­ence of the one. And through each house of the Liv­ing Ones, you forged a life that was held togeth­er by your courage and humil­i­ty, by your deter­mi­na­tion and adapt­abil­i­ty, and through each domini­um of the liv­ing ones you strove to be what you are, to be a unique and spe­cial spark of the divine, a quin­tes­sen­tial one among the infi­nite hosts of the One.

But here in Pisces you must look back and ahead because you must pre­pare your­self to begin again. You under­stand that all those tri­als and tribu­la­tions, all those many stum­bles and falls is how you moved toward a greater self-mas­tery, as you learned what not to do and how to be bet­ter. This is “the way”, this is the path of Spir­it that is forged by choos­ing to love rather than fear, to meet­ing the next moment in the eter­nal now with hope as you let go of regret, to for­give your­self and one anoth­er because you feel it now from deep with­in you, and you see it now because it is all around you too, that the Light of the One is shin­ing in every­thing and every­one, and also in you.

You are the sto­ry­teller and the sto­ry, the mak­er and cre­ator of you. You have noth­ing to fear, because what­ev­er lies before you was made by you, and you have made your­self ready to meet your des­tiny of Light with Love. Your faith is woven into the very essence of who and what you are, you are a spark of the Divine, an immor­tal in mor­tal worlds.

Because you are made of Eter­nal Love, and your true nature is not fixed but is des­tined to be what was made at the dawn of Cre­ation, you are the “ever becom­ing”, a resplen­dent spark of the Divine, whose jour­ney through the stars, dwelling in the Hous­es of the Holy, is filled with the Light of a Liv­ing Faith found­ed and forged in the Uncon­di­tion­al Love of the One.

Pisces is Clo­sure; Pisces is the Dream; Pisces is the Future. Trea­sure this space and time of Pisces, as it is like the final chap­ter of any sto­ry, and by this sum­ming up, by weav­ing all the strands of your tri­umphs and so-called defeats, by har­vest­ing the wis­dom of it all, in hold­ing as one the entire jour­ney of your life to this point, it is by this reap­ing that you will cre­ate the seed that will be the source of your next great chap­ter in the book of life.

At this time of end­ing, as it was at the begin­ning of Cre­ation, the sto­ry remains the same.

There is only one truth, there is only one way.

Love one another.

Originally published at on February 18, 2023.



Bill Attride

Mr. Attride is known for his unique integration of the spiritual and the psychological dimensions of Astrology.