Sun Enters Pisces (February 18, 2021)

Bill Attride
6 min readFeb 19, 2021


The Spark of the Divine, The Jewel in the Lotus

Where do you come from, why are you here, and where are you going?

The Wise Ones Answer:

You came from the One; and You are here to become a True and Complete Human; and your Journey of Awakening is how you make your Destiny.

Here at the end of the Zodiac in the time of Pisces, and wherever Pisces is found in your chart, it is here that you come closest to what I call “The Greater Understanding”. In Aquarius, you experience the truth of embracing all of humanity as your field of happiness. You realize that you are for each other the way to one another’s self-fulfillment; truly, you are for one another your dreams come true.

But now you must complete the Circle of Life. You look up and to the beyond as you gaze upon the starry firmament whirling above, and you equally look around at the wonderous life-forms who share this beautiful world with you too. And in it all you see it, the Light that is there shining through. This is the answer, this is the truth, that we are, that all of us are, and all the other life-forms great and small, and really the entirety of Creation is in us and we in it. Because we are the Creation, the One made manifest in every mote and particle of this wonder of Light and Love.

That Peak Experience of Wholeness (“Holiness”), of embracing the All as one in all, leads you to wonder once again about your journey. Here at the end of another Zodiacal Year, you look back and consider: Who have I become? What will I face as a New Year dawns? How will I know if I am on the path?

The Wise Ones Answer:

You are made by you; what you face is what you set in motion yesterday, and a thousand years ago; you are on the path, always. And all you do, and do not do, it is this which creates your future form and your future conditions too.

Here at the end of the Circle of the Living Ones, you are given the greatest gift; here in Pisces you realize that you are made by what you dream, and you find your Faith as a co-creator of Creation. You can see the whole arc of your journey, both in this past year and for your entire life too. You stand ready now to reap the harvest of all you did and all you did not do. You feel your shining triumphs, and your stinging defeats, you celebrate the precious joys, and you wish to hide from your painful regrets. But hopefully you will come to this sacred place of remembrance, dreams, and hope, and you will understand that it was all good because the Fruits that are Wisdom and Love are forever.

And if this is so, you will realize that it was all necessary, the good and the so-called bad. Because in the end you understand that by your error and correction you forged the way to make the light that is Love; you can accept and smile and forgive yourself because you have done the one true work that you are here for, which is to become a better you by being the love that you are.

And this is the Heart of the Teaching, this is the Truth upon which all other truths are made. You are formed, guided, inspired, and held by the Love of the One which is your Spark of the Divine, your own true beloved, your immortal Higher Self. For you know and feel this now, you were made by Love, and you are here to be that Love.

But many have wondered, if this is truly what I am, then why can I not become better without all this effort; if the Spark of the Divine is within me, then why am I not better than this? Why must I struggle and suffer? Why?

And the Wise Ones Answer:

Because you are not merely a Spark of the Divine; you, like every particle of Creation, are a host of Energy-Forms, and each of these are on their path of Awakening too. Your Spark of the Divine, your beloved, is the Light of Love that is at the heart of everything and everyone, and it is the protean force of Spirit and your source of Self-Becoming. That Divinity, your Monad, is the Causal Agency of you becoming fully human someday but which you have only partially realized today.

You are on Earth in many bodies (not one), and for simplicity now let us name them as the Physical Energy-Form, the Emotional Energy-Form, the Mental Energy-Form, and the Higher Monad or Spiritual Energy-Form. Every one of these “bodies” journeys with you, you through them and they through you, in this life and in life after life. You are bound to one another by the Law of Karma, and each of you will reap what you sow.

But you as the Self-Aware agent of Spirit bear the greatest responsibility for all this Karma, the so-called good karma and the so-called bad. Each of these vehicles of Spirit is on this path of Awakening with you. You, as the self-aware presiding Spiritual Intelligence and Identity, you as a Human Monad, are here to take responsibility for the upliftment and perfection for all your vehicles too. You are the means to their awakening, as they provide you with the means to lift yourself up too.

Yes, yes, I see. But why, why must I suffer?

And the Wise Ones Answer:

Because you are here to learn to use your body, heart, mind, and spirit so that it perfectly aligns with what is there at your center, which is Love. The Pathway to Perfection is long and arduous, and you have spent many lives without much awareness and so you fell into error, suffering and pain. This is the Law, and those energy-forms of pain you will turn into Love.

This pain was not ordained or doled out by some mean-spirited deity, or the product of some struggle between good and evil into which you became trapped like some unfortunate victim. The Law is the Law; the Law is Karma, it is Action and Reaction on all the planes of Creation, but most especially Spiritually. You are here to learn false from true, to create and preserve, to live by love, and when you fall into error you set in motion the very instrument of your own consequence and eventual growth. This is Spiritual Justice, and it is Divinely ordained, and all the ones of the One are subject to this Pathway of Perfection and Love.

Those dear, wise ones who offer example, inspiration and gentle guidance, they were once as you are now. They too were troubled by doubt, they were paralyzed by fear, and they lived with shame and regret. But now they are the Shining Ones. Yes, they have been where you are and that is why they understand and why they will stay at the portal that leads beyond this plane because they will not leave you alone. Why? Because they are the embodiment of Love and Compassion which is your destiny too.

They cannot wave a magic wand and make you better; they cannot remove the obstacles you have made for yourself. But they can help, and they will help if you will but listen to your heart. These Winds of the Spirit are like a gentle whisper, and they form that knowing in your heart, that kindliness, compassion, and love that provide a balm to your troubled soul and true guidance for right thinking and right action.

You walk with them; and they are there with you on that very same path that they came by long ago. They know your troubles; they have felt your pain. But they know what you will be, as they are now. Shining, Radiant, Loving.

This is the Circle of Life, the radiant path of awakening that you will walk from the darkness into the Light.

This is the Promise of Pisces.

It is the Living Faith of the Creator shining through all that you do.

Now reap what you have sown and make ready for the dawn.

It is time to Shine.



Bill Attride
Bill Attride

Written by Bill Attride

Mr. Attride is known for his unique integration of the spiritual and the psychological dimensions of Astrology.

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