Sun Enters Leo (July 22, 2024) | Astrologer Bill Attride
In the yearly journey around our star, we have finished the first of the three acts that are shaped by the four elements of life. We have taken the leap into Fire that is Aries, we have touched the Earth in Taurus, we have flown into the Air by Gemini, and we have plunged down into the Water that is Cancer.
It is by Fire that we find our inspirations, and by Earth that we experience our manifestations, and by Air that we reach for our understandings, and by Water that we make ourselves whole. Now it is time for you to begin once again, to turn the page of life and listen to the Fire that is the light of your soul.
For the past 30 days, you have followed your feelings, as you dipped your cup into the well of memory and remembrance, you felt the caring of the roots that made you, that hold you, and secure you, and which will ever point you towards your destiny in the stars. It is our common fate and fortune, for one and for all, to feel these connections stretching back to the beginnings of creation and down to this present day. For the Spirit within us is like a ribbon of light made by love, which we most personally experience in the care and love of mother and father, grandfather and grandmother, of our sisters and brothers, held as we are in the love that made us and forms the chord of life to our everlasting spark of the divine.
For the next 30 days, and forever and ever in your own nature too, you are inspired by the Spiritual Fire of Leo that begins this second act of life. The Fire of Leo is of a fixed nature, it is purposeful, determined and steadfast. Here the Spiritual Fire becomes focused and resolute, shining and affirming the eternal values that forged and form the Universe. For humans, these eternal values behind Creation are revealed by your conduct, whenever you stride upon the stages of life, it will be by honor, in respect and through love for one another.
You honor yourself when you show consideration to your fellow humans (and all other life-forms too); you earn the respect you seek when you treat those before you as they are, just like you, a spark of the divine; and you feel the love that is your true nature when you love whoever is before you as you are made to love, unconditionally.
For just as in your heart, and in the heart of our star, so it is true of every particle and being of Creation, at the center of one and of all, there is the spark of the Divine which is pure unconditional love. It is the fountain-source of the song that is Creation, and so you must be what you are, you are a creator too.
When you align your manner and purposes to your own spark of the divine, then the song of whatever you create rings “true”, it feels authentic to you and is welcomed by others who respect and honor the gift of your contribution to the greater song that is life.
It is by Leo that you will strive to bring out the best from yourself; and it is by your example that you will inspire others, so that they will find within themselves the courage to be their better selves too, to stretch beyond the ordinary and become a star among the stars, singing our songs of Creation.
This this is true meaning of leadership; it is not about directing or ordering another to do this or that, no that is not leadership, that is control. Leadership is about being a light for one another, so that we encourage one another to be better than we were before. We are here to inspire one another so that the light of the One beams from their eyes, and their love and laughter and joy of being part of the marvel of becoming, it is this which makes real the destiny that we all will reach someday, to become as we came from, to be a bright and shining star.
We do not need, nor should we look for leaders who tell us what to do; we need only to look within ourselves and feel the light of love that is there, and then look to those who inspire us with the light of love within them too.
It is in Leo that we can see one another for who and what we really are, to know the truth that is held in your heart which is Love of the One, which is the heart of the Lion.
Be fearless, be respectful, be loving.
Be one with the Lion and let your heart soar.
Originally published at on July 21, 2024.