Sun Enters Gemini (May 20, 2024) | Astrologer Bill Attride
Who, What, and now Why…
Today we move into the third realm of the Holy Twelve, and it is here that you meet the majesty and mystery that is the Gate of Awakening, the emergence of Intelligence and the path to Self-Realization. As the Ancient Wisdom holds, all of Creation is essentially Spirit, and so the “all” that is the Universe, ranging from atoms to organisms, to planets and stars and beyond, all of “that” is alive and conscious as the one reality of the One.
But it is equally true that there will come a time for each spark of the Divine, for each and every monad of Spirit in their never-ending journey of becoming, there is a quintessential moment where that divine monad moves from being merely conscious and becomes aware of being a self, to becoming self-aware.
This great moment in our spiritual journey is what we celebrate at this time every year, as it is also forever somewhere in your own chart too, for now we enter the portal and realm known as Gemini. This gift of self-awareness is re-told in many stories throughout the ages of the world, whether it is of Prometheus bringing “fire” to humankind, or the “eating of the fruit” from the tree of knowledge, or in ancient stories from around the world, of when we were visited by beings who imparted this gift of self-awareness to us.
Why, why are these stories found everywhere, and why are they so important?
Because it is by this movement into self-awareness and intelligence that you were able to begin to become a more conscious co-creator of yourself. You became aware of time, of remembering what came before, and how that shaped what you face now. And, and you became capable of making a choice, of choosing the many possible ways of viewing an experience, of comparing and folding in what you knew from before to better understand what is before you now. And by learning from your mistakes, you were able to build better ways of being, so that you could meet the eternal now with ever more meaning, discretion, determination, and faith in your capacity to grow and to change.
We became freer, and no longer bound to mere biological processes of evolutionary development; we took our most fateful step filled with the promise of our divinity becoming realized, but this step came with a cost as well. Because we lost our innocence, we lost our organic connection to one another and to the entirety of creation. We were torn away from our essential experience of oneness with life, and we substituted our search for meaning and connection outwardly (and inwardly) through our intellect and intelligence, so that we could build our subjective/objective experiences, of memory, meaning, facts, and truths. Yes, to move forward as self-creators we had to rebuild our relationship with “the All”, and by each and every experience we made from that moment forward we tried to find our way back to the underlying reality of the One in all.
That is why this same gift of self-consciousness is also seen and experienced to this day as a loss or “fall” too. We lost our innocence, our immersion in nature and all beings with whom we journey. Because of this loss, our inherent endowment of natural wisdom became more tenuous, and though we grew and developed our world by and through these temples of knowledge, we often lacked a commensurate balance of wisdom and humility. We flew closer to the sun, but we often fell into darkness by our seeming separation from the rest of creation too.
But of course, these errors of commission and our sins of omission, these are made by our self-cast shadows, by fears forged by mere intellectualism, where thought is divorced from empathy, compassion, and love. So, yes, in our more isolated thought-forms, held by the illusion of so-called pure reason, we felt apart and often lost our way.
But we were never alone, nor will we ever be. When we listen for the wind of the spirit, to the whispers of our higher self, we can remember to feel and to use our intuition to slip beyond the limits of simple reason; and we can use our reason to distinguish between our illuminations and illusions too. We can use this gift of self-awareness to quicken our spiritual awakening, while we find in our hearts, in our soul, and by the love of our higher self the truth that we were not lost at all, nor could we ever be.
We are blessed to think and to feel, to be reasonable and compassionate, to be certain yet forever-questioning of our certainty. We are made to grow into our fullness of being of what we are, “ones of the One”, by using this gift of Gemini to be curious, adaptable, by delighting in our ingenuity, by our capacity to hold more than one point of view or idea, to move constantly through the realms of thought by “thesis, antithesis, and synthesis”, striving, searching for the answer to the question “why”.
Long, long ago we were given a gift so that we might question, well, everything. To wander and wonder and to question, “the what and the why and the how” of it all.
Today, and forever in your essential nature, let us celebrate this gift of Gemini, the gift of self-aware knowing, and of our becoming a more consciously caring, co-creator of Creation.
Originally published at on May 20, 2024.