Sun Enters Capricorn — The Solstice (December 21, 2023) | Astrologer Bill Attride

Bill Attride
6 min readDec 21, 2023


The Sun “stands still”, and the whole world waits. As the shad­ows grow longer and as the light of our world grows fainter by the day, we look for a sign, we wait for a sig­nal, because we need to know that life and light will pre­vail, and that our path­way will become bright and beau­ti­ful once more. For the next few days, the Sun will set at the same point on the hori­zon, as the word “sol­stice” lit­er­al­ly means “sun stands still”. But on the third or fourth day, around Decem­ber 25th every year, the Sun will begin to set fur­ther and fur­ther to the north, and the days will grow longer…and “the Light” of our world will return once more.

Today we begin our time in the realm of Capri­corn, and at this time of year, and also some­where in your very own chart too, we should bow our heads and get down upon our knees and give thanks and praise to the Eter­nal, which is the ever­last­ing light of the Divine that shines in and through every one of us and equal­ly through­out all the realms of Cre­ation too.

Yes, the light divine is there in the Sun, but it is also found with­in every speck and mote of Cre­ation, from the most infin­i­tes­i­mal of parts of the uni­verse on up to the count­less galax­ies, because what forms every mon­ad of the cos­mos is the eter­nal light of the One, which we humans feel and expe­ri­ence as the uncon­di­tion­al Love that made all of this and forms us too.

You have spent the last 30 days in the fiery realm of Sagit­tar­ius, where you found the mean­ings of your life, where you shared your sto­ry and found the sto­ries and truths of the uni­verse, and more per­son­al­ly under­stood “the what and the why” of you as well. But hav­ing under­stood this truth of who and what you are, you should also know that it is not enough to sim­ply know the truth, no that is not near­ly enough. You are the liv­ing spir­it, and your pur­pose is to align your­self with your high­er self, so that you become, day after day and in life after life, an ever more per­fect embod­i­ment of ever­last­ing truth too.

This is the realm of Capri­corn, and this fourth “por­tal of iden­ti­ty” holds the key to your des­tiny. The four por­tal points are: “who am I, who are you, where did I come from, where am I going?” Yes, it is here at the fourth turn­ing that you must seek to under­stand the mean­ing of your life, to know your pur­pose and your path. But tru­ly where you are going is bound for­ev­er to where you began, because it is your ori­gin and your essen­tial nature which form the path that you are on. And what is this seed? It is that you began as a unique, lumi­nous spark of the Divine, a mon­ad wing­ing its way through cre­ation. Your des­tiny is to be the quin­tes­sence of your spark of the divine, which is exem­pli­fied by you becom­ing an ever more con­scious co-cre­ator of Creation.

Then long, long ago you moved into the realm of beings who have reached self-aware­ness, and you became con­scious­ly respon­si­ble for your thoughts and deeds. You became more capa­ble and respon­si­ble for your devel­op­ment, and equal­ly and most impor­tant­ly, you under­stood that because you are human, you are also respon­si­ble for the devel­op­ment of one anoth­er too. You do not jour­ney alone, and you could not be human with­out one anoth­er as you have each become part of one anoth­er in life after life. Yes, the only way you became a bet­ter human was by shap­ing, inform­ing, and lov­ing one anoth­er too.

By word and by deed, you have made what you are today. Day by day and life after life, you have learned from your past mis­takes, and that by fail­ing and falling and ris­ing again, by learn­ing what not to do and how to do bet­ter, you have become a bet­ter you. This is the fun­da­men­tal truth found in “The Law of Kar­ma”. Quite sim­ply and equi­tably it holds the entire­ty of Cre­ation by the uni­ver­sal law of “cause and effect”, so that “what­ev­er you sow, so shall you reap”.

But think what this tru­ly means. Your life is not “fat­ed” because it is made by you; it is forged in the cru­cible of how you lived and live your life. What­ev­er is before you today, that is deter­mined by what you set in motion before; and the future that you will meet tomor­row, that is being made by your con­duct today. The aware­ness forged in Capri­corn is that you are respon­si­ble for what you were and what you will become. Though many will say that the mea­sure of self-worth is found in fame or for­tune or pow­er. But what we find by Capri­corn is that the true pur­pose of your life is to remain true to one­self, to hold to the path of Self-Ful­fill­ment; the worth of you is forged by being a bet­ter you day after day.

As much as Sagit­tar­ius is the sign of the search for and shar­ing of the Truth, Capricorn’s realm is where the truth is made real by your becom­ing and being this truth, so that truth is lived. The climb to self-mas­tery is ardu­ous but reward­ing because the end result is that you will become a sage, a tru­ly wise one.

How will you know that you are mov­ing towards your ful­fill­ment? The tru­ly wise are not proud or boast­ful, they do not claim to have all the answers or per­fec­tion. They will always offer their sup­port and guid­ance to those who ask for it, but they will give their help with kind­li­ness and gen­tle­ness, with the com­pas­sion born of what they know you have endured and what still lies before you. They will always extend a lov­ing, help­ing hand because they are what you will be one day. Yes, as much as we are to be lovers of wis­dom, the wise know the heart of the teach­ing, which is the wis­dom of love.

Yes, you have made you. And you are what you are as revealed by your moti­va­tions and your inten­tions, in the man­ner of your bear­ing or what we under­stand as “Char­ac­ter”, which is the emo­tion­al and the intel­lec­tu­al, the moral and the spir­i­tu­al stature that you embody. You stand revealed by your under­stand­ing and moral com­pass, and from these qual­i­ties and by your shin­ing exam­ple of ful­fill­ing your respon­si­bil­i­ties, you will take your place in the Hier­ar­chy of Light and Love, as you weave your path into the paths of each and every one of us, and to the One who holds us all.

As the world waits today for a sign that the ever­last­ing light will not fade away, we gath­er togeth­er and pledge to one anoth­er our devo­tion to the source of one and all:


From the point of light with­in the Mind of God

Let Light stream forth into our minds,

Let LIGHT descend on Earth.

From the point of love with­in the Heart of God

Let Love stream forth into our hearts,

May LOVE increase on Earth.

From the cen­ter where the Will of God is known

Let pur­pose guide our wills,

The PURPOSE which the mas­ters know and serve.

From the cen­ter which we call Humanity

Let the Plan of Love and Light work out,

And may it seal the door,

where evil dwells.

Let Light and Love and Pow­er restore the Plan on Earth.

Originally published at on December 21, 2023.



Bill Attride
Bill Attride

Written by Bill Attride

Mr. Attride is known for his unique integration of the spiritual and the psychological dimensions of Astrology.

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