Sun Enters Capricorn — The Solstice (December 21, 2023) | Astrologer Bill Attride
The Sun “stands still”, and the whole world waits. As the shadows grow longer and as the light of our world grows fainter by the day, we look for a sign, we wait for a signal, because we need to know that life and light will prevail, and that our pathway will become bright and beautiful once more. For the next few days, the Sun will set at the same point on the horizon, as the word “solstice” literally means “sun stands still”. But on the third or fourth day, around December 25th every year, the Sun will begin to set further and further to the north, and the days will grow longer…and “the Light” of our world will return once more.
Today we begin our time in the realm of Capricorn, and at this time of year, and also somewhere in your very own chart too, we should bow our heads and get down upon our knees and give thanks and praise to the Eternal, which is the everlasting light of the Divine that shines in and through every one of us and equally throughout all the realms of Creation too.
Yes, the light divine is there in the Sun, but it is also found within every speck and mote of Creation, from the most infinitesimal of parts of the universe on up to the countless galaxies, because what forms every monad of the cosmos is the eternal light of the One, which we humans feel and experience as the unconditional Love that made all of this and forms us too.
You have spent the last 30 days in the fiery realm of Sagittarius, where you found the meanings of your life, where you shared your story and found the stories and truths of the universe, and more personally understood “the what and the why” of you as well. But having understood this truth of who and what you are, you should also know that it is not enough to simply know the truth, no that is not nearly enough. You are the living spirit, and your purpose is to align yourself with your higher self, so that you become, day after day and in life after life, an ever more perfect embodiment of everlasting truth too.
This is the realm of Capricorn, and this fourth “portal of identity” holds the key to your destiny. The four portal points are: “who am I, who are you, where did I come from, where am I going?” Yes, it is here at the fourth turning that you must seek to understand the meaning of your life, to know your purpose and your path. But truly where you are going is bound forever to where you began, because it is your origin and your essential nature which form the path that you are on. And what is this seed? It is that you began as a unique, luminous spark of the Divine, a monad winging its way through creation. Your destiny is to be the quintessence of your spark of the divine, which is exemplified by you becoming an ever more conscious co-creator of Creation.
Then long, long ago you moved into the realm of beings who have reached self-awareness, and you became consciously responsible for your thoughts and deeds. You became more capable and responsible for your development, and equally and most importantly, you understood that because you are human, you are also responsible for the development of one another too. You do not journey alone, and you could not be human without one another as you have each become part of one another in life after life. Yes, the only way you became a better human was by shaping, informing, and loving one another too.
By word and by deed, you have made what you are today. Day by day and life after life, you have learned from your past mistakes, and that by failing and falling and rising again, by learning what not to do and how to do better, you have become a better you. This is the fundamental truth found in “The Law of Karma”. Quite simply and equitably it holds the entirety of Creation by the universal law of “cause and effect”, so that “whatever you sow, so shall you reap”.
But think what this truly means. Your life is not “fated” because it is made by you; it is forged in the crucible of how you lived and live your life. Whatever is before you today, that is determined by what you set in motion before; and the future that you will meet tomorrow, that is being made by your conduct today. The awareness forged in Capricorn is that you are responsible for what you were and what you will become. Though many will say that the measure of self-worth is found in fame or fortune or power. But what we find by Capricorn is that the true purpose of your life is to remain true to oneself, to hold to the path of Self-Fulfillment; the worth of you is forged by being a better you day after day.
As much as Sagittarius is the sign of the search for and sharing of the Truth, Capricorn’s realm is where the truth is made real by your becoming and being this truth, so that truth is lived. The climb to self-mastery is arduous but rewarding because the end result is that you will become a sage, a truly wise one.
How will you know that you are moving towards your fulfillment? The truly wise are not proud or boastful, they do not claim to have all the answers or perfection. They will always offer their support and guidance to those who ask for it, but they will give their help with kindliness and gentleness, with the compassion born of what they know you have endured and what still lies before you. They will always extend a loving, helping hand because they are what you will be one day. Yes, as much as we are to be lovers of wisdom, the wise know the heart of the teaching, which is the wisdom of love.
Yes, you have made you. And you are what you are as revealed by your motivations and your intentions, in the manner of your bearing or what we understand as “Character”, which is the emotional and the intellectual, the moral and the spiritual stature that you embody. You stand revealed by your understanding and moral compass, and from these qualities and by your shining example of fulfilling your responsibilities, you will take your place in the Hierarchy of Light and Love, as you weave your path into the paths of each and every one of us, and to the One who holds us all.
As the world waits today for a sign that the everlasting light will not fade away, we gather together and pledge to one another our devotion to the source of one and all:
From the point of light within the Mind of God
Let Light stream forth into our minds,
Let LIGHT descend on Earth.
From the point of love within the Heart of God
Let Love stream forth into our hearts,
May LOVE increase on Earth.
From the center where the Will of God is known
Let purpose guide our wills,
The PURPOSE which the masters know and serve.
From the center which we call Humanity
Let the Plan of Love and Light work out,
And may it seal the door,
where evil dwells.
Let Light and Love and Power restore the Plan on Earth.
Originally published at on December 21, 2023.