Sun Enters Capricorn (December 21, 2024) | Astrologer Bill Attride
The Wisdom of Love
For the past 30 days, you have explored the heights and plumbed the depths of your understanding. You have listened to the stories of others, and you have shared with them some stories of your own. Whether in the temples of Metaphysics or Science, Religion or Philosophy, in novels or poetry, in painting or songs, in all of the spaces of Space, and in whatever we humans create, at the heart of them all you will find “a story”. All of these many stories form the Story of Spirit; and each story holds some lesser or greater truth.
This is how we became human, we observed and interacted with the world around us and most especially with one another, and we discovered, or rediscovered, something ordinary or extraordinary, something mundane or some priceless gem of knowledge. And so, we helped one another to know “the why” and “the what” of this amazing journey we are on.
And what are we? We are immortals dancing through mortal worlds, ever seeking to become what we will all eventually be, to be shining through and through with the light divine so that we may join the hosts of conscious co-creators of Creation.
Now we reach this most special time of the year, as we move into the next realm in the Circle of the Living Ones, the energy-forms behind one and all, the warp and woof of Creation. We remember why we are here and what we must do. Because it is not enough to tell a story, nor is it enough to sing a song or to know the Truth.
At this time of year, and forever somewhere in the heart of your being, you are shaped and guided by the realm that is Capricorn, and you realize what you must be and what you must do. It is not enough to find the truth, or to know the truth, or even to share the truth. No, the whole purpose of Creation, the whole Truth that shines from within as your Spark of the Divine, is for you is to live a life whose whole purpose is to BE this very truth by who you are and what you do; you are here to shine like the “star in waiting” that you are.
Sagittarius is the realm of truth; Capricorn is the realm of the sage. It is here where you must become the embodiment of truth and wisdom, as you form and fulfill the truth in your purpose and by your conduct. The word for Capricorn is “responsibility”, and it is here that you assume your responsibilities in all the various roles and duties that become your pathway of perfection.
I love to play with words, and when I consider what the concept of responsibility means, it is quite simply this, responsibility is your “ability to respond”. Respond to what? Well, for us humans, it is our capacity and duty to respond to our needs, and equally to the needs of others. We are social beings, made by and for one another. As much as Cancer is the spontaneous response to the need of whomever we are caring for, it is in Capricorn that we fold these responses into structures, into the constructs of our character, into roles and duties by which we meet our needs in our institutions of family, community and society. We are responsible for and to one another, because we care for one another, because we are here for one purpose only, to Love One Another.
Yes, we stand within a hierarchy of need and responsibility, with a range of capabilities that have been formed by many lives. We have learned and earned the right to wield certain powers, and our souls have been tempered and refined by every step we take. The life and path of Capricorn is likened by many to climbing a mountain. The path is steep, and there are many challenges to overcome, with many attempts and failures, success and so-called defeat, but slowly and steadily ever greater self-mastery is achieved.
Yes, the pathway to mastery is not easy, you will have come through many experiences that bring you pain and shame in what you did, or what you failed to do. But know this, this is “the Way” of all. The true source of your wisdom and self-mastery will be earned by this, as you realize that all those struggles, that all your stumbles, falls and failures, it is by all these trials and tribulations of this life (and of all your many lives), it is all of this which has brought you to a higher place. This is your mountain of your self-becoming, these tests and rewards form the substance of your character and your destiny. Yes, it is by falling and getting up, by learning what not to do, and to how to do and be better, it is by your refusal to give up, by your dedication and deepening of humility, this is the path that all must follow, as did those who came before you.
Self-mastery is earned by you, by the immutable law of Cause and Effect, which ensures that you “reap what you sow”. By learning to do and to be better, by your efforts to lift yourself beyond shadows and fears and reach for the light within, you will be the creator of your future full of spiritual splendor. Because you have earned from your own struggles the spiritual gift of humility, your own heart can truly feel the suffering and pain of others, and by this your soul will shine ever brighter with selfless love to help them too.
Yes, this is the realm of Capricorn where you become part of the hierarchy of Light and Love. As you extend your hand to those above you for support and guidance, you extend your other hand to those who follow you. This is the path, the way of becoming a wise one, and this great work of Creation is made by us all through love.
Our destiny is character, and we are for one another both pupil and teacher, and together we will ever be the forge of the living truth, that we are not merely lovers of wisdom; we are here to live the truth, to live by the Wisdom of Love.
So, as we wait for the light to return to us once more, let us pledge again to stay on the path of our own making, the path made by the wisdom of love:
From the point of light within the Mind of God
Let Light stream forth into our minds
Let LIGHT descend on Earth.
From the point of love within the Heart of God
Let Love stream forth into our hearts
May LOVE increase on Earth.
From the center where the Will of God is known
Let purpose guide our wills
The PURPOSE which the masters know and serve.
From the center which we call Humanity
Let the Plan of Love and Light work out
And may it seal the door
where evil dwells.
Let Light and Love and Power restore the Plan on Earth.
Originally published at on December 21, 2024.