Sun Enters Cancer (June 21, 2023) | Astrologer Bill Attride

Bill Attride
4 min readJun 21, 2023


Today we cel­e­brate one of the “four cor­ners” of the Zodi­ac. In each one of the four sea­sons that mark our jour­ney around the Sun, we seek to find our way through the spir­i­tu­al mean­ings held by the Lords of Light on this path made by Truth and forged by Love. The four car­di­nal signs of Aries and Can­cer, of Libra and Capri­corn hold us togeth­er in these four points of life and light, pos­ing the essen­tial four ques­tions for our jour­ney, which are: Who am I? Who are you? Where did we come from? Where are we going?

In this realm of Can­cer that we cel­e­brate and move into today, (although it is ever-present in our lives, always some­where in our own charts, and in every par­ti­cle of Cre­ation too), the answer to the ques­tion of our ori­gin, of our roots, of our cen­ter and spir­i­tu­al source is lov­ing­ly held for all time. But we must remem­ber this, that all of the signs are ever-present and part of this expe­ri­ence of our roots, and each sign must form an essen­tial part of being whole and cen­tered too.

The Cir­cle of the Liv­ing Ones, what we call the Zodi­ac, is not some col­lec­tion of zones in the heav­ens around our Earth. That just makes no sense at all. The Zodi­ac is one of the essen­tial foun­da­tions for the whole of Cre­ation, form­ing what I like to see as the Design-Body or the mas­ter Aura of Cre­ation, because they hold the Twelve Cre­ative Hier­ar­chies that are found through­out all of the realms and dimen­sions of the Uni­verse. The Zodi­ac is omni-present and com­plete, at the root of cre­ation and form­ing every par­ti­cle, being, star and galaxy.

Every­thing and every­one of us is formed with­in their own Aura or Elec­tro-Mag­net­ic Field, which is then equal­ly aligned and informed by the Aura of the Zodi­ac for the Earth, which is in turn aligned and informed by the Aura for our Solar Sys­tem, and then our Galaxy and so on. What we feel all around us are these wheels revolv­ing with­in wheels, vor­tices of ener­gy-forms danc­ing with­in vor­tices, because Cre­ation is the dance of Spir­it-Life-Con­scious­ness held and guid­ed by the Lords of Light, the Zodi­ac. It is these twelve cre­ative hier­ar­chies of spir­it which pro­vide the vehi­cles for the release of that which is behind the whole of Cre­ation, which is the Will, Love and Mind of the One. And because this is so, no mat­ter where you are, no mat­ter with whom you jour­ney now, you are always home and held in love by the One at the cen­ter of us all.

To expe­ri­ence Can­cer as our source, our ori­gin, our home, we must also real­ize that we have moved into the first of the Water signs, and we must slip beyond our mind into realms that must be felt. We feel these truths in so many ways, these gifts that come from being part of the sto­ry of Cre­ation, which begins and ends with the One. We feel what it means to be held by these ever­last­ing Arche­types and mor­tal beings too, by Moth­er-Father, Grand­moth­er-Grand­fa­ther, by all our liv­ing and lov­ing rela­tions, who hold us and bring us back to our cen­ter, back to our roots, back to our home right here and now, and also to the home we came from yes­ter­day, to our lives long ago, and even to worlds before, and even to the cen­ter of Cre­ation itself. For this is what lies at the cen­ter of us all, the One whose cen­ter is every­where and whose cir­cum­fer­ence is nowhere.

In Can­cer we hold our mem­o­ries, our sto­ries of what we were and what we shall some­day become. We start­ed long ago on this jour­ney, singing our songs as sparks of the Divine, striv­ing, search­ing, seek­ing, and lov­ing to become anoth­er star among the count­less stars.

By Can­cer you con­nect to the roots of you and to roots of one and all. You find your­self in your fam­i­ly, in the sto­ries about your ances­tors, as you care for one anoth­er because it is part of who and what we are, what made us and what will make our future too.

We were made from love, and we are here to love and be loved.

Here is the truth held by Can­cer, which is that we are all part of the one fam­i­ly of Spir­it, and that “we are all relat­ed”, and that what holds and guides us from the very begin­ning to the end of days is pure uncon­di­tion­al love.

We are all part of the Cir­cle of the Liv­ing Ones, held by the One and to one anoth­er by love.

This is the first truth, this is the root of one and all, that what we are here for is for love.

Originally published at on June 21, 2023.



Bill Attride
Bill Attride

Written by Bill Attride

Mr. Attride is known for his unique integration of the spiritual and the psychological dimensions of Astrology.

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