Sun Enters Cancer (June 21, 2022)
The Center that is Everywhere
Today we reach one of the “Four Turnings” of the Zodiacal year. And the question we face in the Sign of Cancer is quite simply this, “Where do we come from”?
Our story is part of the Life of the One, the Story of Creation, which is the story of Spirit-Life-Consciousness. Guiding this unfolding Story of the One is the Zodiac, which is really the fundamental Field of Energy-Forms that form the Design Body of the Universe. This Field of Energy-Forms creates what we understand as the subtle body for all beings in the universe, whether they be an Atom, Molecule, Organism, Planet, Star, Galaxy and ultimately, of course, the One. The Zodiac is the Noumena behind all the Phenomena of Creation, as it is the Field of Meanings behind all manifestations in this Universe, and we can understand it as being like what is known in science as an electro-magnetic field of energy-forms. Seen this way, what we actually experience in our physical forms is like a Hologram, where intersecting energy-forms are aligned and formed into patterns of meaning that create the Matter-Forms that we perceive as substantial and real.
What this means is that contrary to our minds being fixated upon the physical realm, the Zodiac is not something “out there” in some part of outer space, as some have placed it in a band of constellations, that have been arranged or fashioned into a kind of wheel in our local area of the galaxy. Rather, the Zodiac is behind each and every particle of Creation, forming each Spark of the Divine by these 12 Vibrational Energy-Forms into a unique instance of Spirt-Matter, but which is equally indivisible and part of the one Energy-Form of the One. In a very real way, the Zodiac forms the “Master Aura” of the Universe, as it informs, shapes, and guides the development of each realm of being from a single grain of sand on up to the stars.
There is a very real hierarchy in Creation, from the most infinitesimal of particles on up through the planets, stars, and galaxies. For us humans here on Earth, we are each held in our own Auric Field of the Zodiac, which is in turn aligned to the Greater Aura of our Earth, which in turn is aligned with Zodiacal Auric Field of our Solar System, and then to the Zodiacal Field of our Galaxy. Each of these “zodiacs” is part of the One, and all are aligned to and correspond with one another. The ordering of the Universe is part of the One, that One “whose Center is Everywhere, and whose Circumference is Nowhere”, and we are all ones of the One.
What this means for today is that rather than saying that the Sun moves into Cancer today, what we should really understand is that the Energy-Form we call Cancer is being activated/actualized by the Sun at this time of the year. All who are born at this time of the year will have the Cancer Energy-Form as their Root Nature, forming their essential nature and purpose. Yet equally, we should all understand, that somewhere in our own charts, that somewhere in our own constitution, these meanings, stories, and feelings of Cancer are part of what makes us a whole person too.
So, what we wish to know is this, what is the essential nature that we know as Cancer? The answer is Cancer is the energy-form in which we call upon our feelings to help us make our way to the center of ourselves and our world. And equally, that it forms the source or root of our nature by which we move out with our feelings to care for one another too. All water signs deal with this realm of connectedness, with our feelings, with the love that is our center, which is truly the Love of the One.
In Cancer we go inwards to the root of this Love, to experience the care and love of family, to have a sense of where we come from, and what formed us and holds us with a sense of belonging to those who came before. And it is from this center that is Love by which we reach out with our caring for one another too. In Scorpio, we reach outwards to one another, to form our Combinations and Unions with one another, so that we might dance and create in the alchemical spaces of birth, death, and rebirth. And in Pisces we reach out to the beyond, to what is yet to be, to the realms of our higher Spirit, to our Living Faith, to our Dreams and Imagination, and by this spiritual chord of feeling we find our peace in the eternal connection with the ineffable and unknowable that is part of us and behind the whole of Creation too.
By Cancer, we feel and find our way to our center, that very same energy-form “Whose Center is Everywhere, and whose Circumference is Nowhere”. In Cancer we understand that we came from the One, and that the spark of the Divine is our true self, which is Divine Love.
We are here because of love, and we are here to love one another.
Where do we come from?
From love.
Originally published at