Sun Enters Aries (March 20, 2023) | Astrologer Bill Attride
The Eternal Now
Once again, we find ourselves at the beginning; our journey through the Circle of the Living Ones has brought us back to the first realm of Creation and to the first question of your life, which is “who are you”?
For the next 30 days, and forever somewhere in your chart, you need to align your body, heart, and mind as one, because you need to feel the wind of the spirit that springs from the eternal fires burning in the realm known as Aries. For the past month of Pisces, we have wandered and wondered, we have looked back and considered the whole arc of our lives, and we have found the truth by holding together our triumphs and defeats, so that we might see that that what makes us what we are is founded in our faith and forgiveness, and by our capacity to imagine and dream. Because we are creators, and the fulfillment of that gift is founded in our everlasting love of one another. The greatest illusion we have ever faced is our separation from one another, and equally the illusion that we are separate from the infinitude formed by the encompassing hosts of spirits with whom we journey.
In Pisces, we felt the truth that we are all related, that there is but One Spirit forming the Universe, and our hearts are held by the fundamental root of all of Creation, Divine Unconditional Love. This Love forms each and everything in Creation, and so we understand that the story of our Spiritual Journey will bring forth our true nature as it will ever bend towards living with love, compassion, and empathy for all of life. We will know in the end that “I am that, that I am”.
But here in Aries, as we emerge out of the oneness that is Pisces and begin again, we are reminded and brought to the essential truth that we are also “separate” from one another too. We are, and until the end of days here to be, a unique instance of the One Spirit. So, we must find our way to be our own essential self too, which means that for us to be the true and living spirit we must strive to be an authentic, distinctive, radiant manifestation a “one of a kind” too. The greatest truths are found in these seeming contradictions about the nature of creation, and this truth about the One and the Many is at the root of them all. All of Creation is the One, yet all of Creation is formed by the infinite hosts of the many, many ones too.
Aries is the sacred space for the beginning of all things. At this time every year, and at the beginning of any activity or endeavor, you must understand the essential truth held by Aries. In Time and Space, in the Hierarchies of the Living which form Manifested Creation let this be your guiding principle, which is you only exist here and now. What you were before, what came before, you cannot change; and what you will make and become tomorrow or a thousand tomorrows from now you cannot know. There is only one place and time that you can redeem your past and forge a better future too, and it is here, it is at the heart of Creation; and the heart of Creation is only found in the spacetime of our reality called the Eternal Now.
But it is equally true that you are not entering a space of emptiness; you do not move upon a virgin canvas or tabula rasa. For the entirety of the hosts of the spirit, and each and every one of us too, have forged the reality of the space that you are now entering into. But you must be ready, this is the moment, where you will bring your past experiences and combine them with your hopes for the future. You find yourself at the crossing point between the darkness and the light, here in the moment of Creation, the only space you are free to be the creative living spirit, it is here that you face the opportunity and test of Aries, the test of your Presence.
As you enter the next space of reality, as you enter any space, it changes. The question will always be, was this the change you intended to make? Did you come into a dull space and bring it to life; did you come into a disturbed space and bring it peace? Do you understand that by how you meet the moment, which is rooted in your motivations, that form and flow into your intentions, which then shape your actions, it is by this that you may be able to heal the world and lift yourself and one another on the path of awakening. If you “fail”, if you come in with less of or a lack of awareness, if you overwhelm the situation or underwhelm it, then you will have missed this moment and you will have to try again.
What you face today has been forged by you and all with whom you journey. But what will be your tomorrow is being made by you today. The motto of Aries is, “Beaten paths are for the beaten, we are here to make a better future”.
The gift of Aries is forged in the spirit and power of beginnings, so that each and every moment of your life holds the promise of light and truth and love. But you must be present, and you must be aware of this, that it is you who is the maker of your future, and that you must choose to be the promise keeper of the Love of the One of which you are.
May all your steps be as those who made the first.
May you walk in beauty, and may you live by love.
And may you shine forever like a bright morning star.
Originally published at on March 20, 2023.