Sun Enters Aries (March 20, 2021)

Bill Attride
4 min readMar 20, 2021


A New Year, A New Beginning

We mark the passage of time in so many ways. We hold in our memories so many experiences and meanings that help us to meet the next moment in our journey. And we also hold in our dreams so many hopes about what our life might become. But there really is only one time that matters; there is but one place for you that is real. That time and space where we are really “real” is the ever-unfolding reality, where the past and future meet, and that is the fulcrum of Spirit we know as the Eternal Now.

Today we move from one Astrological Year into the next; today we move from the realm of Pisces to the space that is Aries. At this time of the year, and always in that space in your own chart where Aries is found, you are there to be and to become by experiencing the gift of Inspiration, the power of Enthusiasm and the joy of New Beginnings that is held in the Circle of the Living Ones by the Zodiacal Sign of Aries.

The Joy and Power of New Beginnings is real; and you can and should in some manner experience this gift of the Spirit in all the seconds, days, and years of your life. But of course, you have brought much from before to this moment now. Most recently, in the last 30 days while in Pisces, you were given the precious gift of introspection, reflection, humility and reintegration. The gift of Pisces is in experiencing the Whole of You, as you feel your oneness within and your oneness with the One. Pisces enables you to be your entire experience, to wonder at the Arc that is your Life, as you can gather the harvest of all that you have been and become in your entire life including the year that is over now.

But now you begin again; now you emerge out of the “All” where there are no boundaries, and you enter into the time of your “Illusion that is Separation”. It is in Aries that you meet the world with your “self”, and here in this moment, and in each and every step you will take on the path that is your life, you face the first and most profound question of your life as a separate one, “Who are you”?

That is no small question, and you should stop and consider how and in what manner “you will be you” in this space and time. It is only here in the ever-unfolding Eternal Now, that you may redeem your past and build your better future too. In Aries you move with the drive to do, to be and become what you aspire to be. But before you leap into the crucible of creation, you need to consider what is before you in this space where the past and future meet, the formed and formless Now.

You are not entering an empty space, as all the monads of spirit, all the hierarchies of Spirit and Matter and you have been making this moment that is before you now, and for quite some time. Whatever and whomever is before you, all of “that” is there because of a complex interweaving of Energy-Forms that we call “Karma”, which is the sum of all prior actions/reactions of the Life-Forms, by all the monads of spirit who are the “causes” that led to these “effects” that you encounter now.

The question put to you is not simply “who are you?”, but what of you will you bring to this moment now? For being self-aware, and responsible for what you will face in your future by the Law of Karma, you should consider carefully in what manner you should act in this precious, this priceless moment we call “the now”. You are bringing what you have made of yourself so far, and you are shaped and guided by your meanings that are your motivations; you are guided by your intentions that will now become your actions. But you are not entering emptiness; you move into the next moment of the Eternal Now that is a fullness of energy-forms that are waiting upon what you do next.

You need to use all your spiritual gifts of perception to determine what is the best way to move into this moment that is a fullness of potential, but you must be careful to do so in such a manner that you contribute to the advancement of your being and equally the conditions of your world.

Imagine that you are entering a room, and you must spiritually apprehend the condition or state of what you are moving into and determine what is needed. If you enter a room that is in turmoil, you will wish to draw upon your kindly and gentle nature to calm matters down. Likewise, if you enter a space that is lacking in energy, you should bring your vigor and strength and be the living spirit of Love in action that you are.

Every step that you take is a new beginning. It is another chance to turn a regret into an offering of grace and love.

Every action you take can be the answer to another’s prayer and plea for help and understanding.

The question of Who you Are is really do you understand Why you Are?

You are here because of Love, for the One that made us all, that One is in us all.

You are because of Love, and you are here to be that Love.

To be you,

Love yourself.

And Love one another.

Then you are what you are.




Bill Attride
Bill Attride

Written by Bill Attride

Mr. Attride is known for his unique integration of the spiritual and the psychological dimensions of Astrology.

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