Sun Enters Aquarius — The New Age (January 19, 2021)

Bill Attride
4 min readJan 19, 2021


The Root of Happiness

In the center of every human, and throughout every particle of Creation, in the heart of each and every energy-form, is the root of one and all, the Divine Monad. That is the “source” of you; it is the Spark of the Divine, the Root Energy-Form that made and sustains Creation. It is what we call Divine Love.

It is here that we find the source of our self-aware consciousness, our individuality. It is from the Monad, from the Spark of the Divine, that is where the specialness that each one of us is here “to be and to become” shines. It is our Song of Spirit, the very Quintessence of us. It is the protean force that drives our Creation, the call to Self-Realization.

Creation is formed by a hierarchy of hosts, formed by and into multiplicities of individualities and communities of affiliation, and each of them is shaped, guided, and inspired by a unique spark of the Divine. The whole of Creation is the journey of innumerable ones who are on the sacred path of “Self-Becoming by Self-Fulfillment”.

Yet we are equally made by one another for one another too. Individuality and Community are woven throughout the fabric of the Universe. As humans, we all wish to be “one of a kind”; but we also are made by our kinds, as we forge our uniqueness from the rich sources of the many groups, communities, and cultures of our human world.

Today we leave the realm of Capricorn and enter the space of Aquarius. At this time of the year, and wherever Aquarius is to be found in your chart, it is there that you will reach beyond what was established and secured by your own efforts, and also by all those who came before you. Aquarius is the space where we dream of what might be, of who we might become, and how we shall create and make a better life for ourselves and for one another too.

Aquarius holds the dream of your future, that there are finer days ahead, with more gentle breezes and far horizons of hopes fulfilled. That one fine day we will live in kindliness and goodness shared between all people who know in their hearts that “we are what we are” because of our love for one another.

Aquarius brings you deeper into the realm of your “voluntary associations”, to your Fellowships, to your Brotherhoods and Sisterhoods, to your comrades and companions, for Aquarius is about the Truth that we are all made by and for one another. We simply could never be human without experiencing the holistic truth, that we make one another by our shared experiences. It is through one another that we form a more perfect self for ourselves as we build our more perfect communities of camaraderie.

Aquarius holds the paradoxical Truth, that we are One and we are the Many. Each one of us is a unique expression of being human, yet we make ourselves from many groups or “kinds”. We are shaped by our combining these various kinds into the special human that we are, and we contribute our own sensibilities and experiences back into these various associations. This dynamic and protean creation made by the weaving of the personal and social, it is by this that “you develop you”, with a particular personal social consciousness that is informed, shaped, and realized into a larger community consciousness. We are ones, formed and shaped into larger wholes that are a “one” as well; from individual, to family, to community to culture to the world of humanity itself, we are all ones within other ones that ultimately are held in the One.

We experience our humanity in Aquarius, of finding our specialness that makes us different from one another, but also finding and making what we have in common too. At the core of what we commonly share, as Sparks of the Divine, is our dream of Self-Fulfillment. This is what has been known and shared by all humans throughout the ages, and it holds the answer to the ancient question, “What will make me happy?”

Those who are wise understand that Happiness is not a “thing”, it is not something that you can purchase or an experience you can have. Happiness is a “Quality of Being” that is forged by experiencing your most essential nature, it is your experience of Self-Fulfillment.

Your happiness comes from your own self-fulfillment. But you cannot truly experience this for yourself alone. Indeed, how could you? As you have been made by one another since the beginning of time, your happiness is also part of one another too. Our true Happiness is a social experience, where you see your friend’s joy in fulfillment, and it brings a smile to your heart; and your laughter and joy in self-realization warms their heart as well. How can any of us be truly happy if we have not done all that we can to make possible the fulfillment of one and all?

This is the promise and purpose of Aquarius. We are “one for all, and all for one”; we are here for one another and we are the means to one another’s self-fulfillment and happiness.

Aquarius is about our love for one another and the joy we have when we strive to make possible a better future for ourselves, and for those who follow us too.

Aquarius is the dream of a better world, a kinder more loving world that will not come until we act as we are truly meant to be.

We are made of love, and we are here to love one another too.

Yes, there is a New Age dawning,

And we will be that Dawn.



Bill Attride
Bill Attride

Written by Bill Attride

Mr. Attride is known for his unique integration of the spiritual and the psychological dimensions of Astrology.

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