Sun Enters Aquarius (January 20, 2023) | Astrologer Bill Attride
Since your journey began, since crossing that spiritual threshold where the darkness meets the light, long, long ago, you and all humans have wandered and wondered. We have been trying to understand, we have struggled to comprehend, we have searched for the answer to the question that lies behind all of our questions which is “Why”?
Why are we here? Which leads to why is that here; and to finally why, why is anything here?
As we wandered and wondered, we looked up, and we began to see patterns forming in the starry firmament; and we looked around our world, and we looked at one another, and we saw those patterns down here as well. And as we listened to the quiet whispers of our higher self, as we followed our intuition, we felt something familiar, and so we came to know that there is meaningfulness within us, and that there is meaning, and beauty, and truth all around us too. And we smiled, and we laughed, and we shared in the wonder of our being part of this Creation, of being together in this journey of the Divine through the stars.
Today we celebrate the entry of our Star into the sign of Aquarius, and at this time of the year, and forever shining somewhere in your chart too, we consider once again the why and the how of being human here on this Earth. Because at the root of answering the “why” for us is to equally appreciate the “how” of us. How did we become, how were we made, and then ask why are we, what is all this for?
The answer, of course, is in our hearts, as it is woven into the heart within every atom and star of the Cosmos. For this is the most essential nature and quality of Spirit, and it forms the Root of all Meanings and Purposes of the Universe. The answer to the why of anything is this, that Spirit’s essential nature is “to be and to become”. Creation is the Journey of Life-Consciousness-Spirit, which is driven by the agency of Self-Becoming, which means that “Becoming” is what Creation is. It is the “One in all” forming all the ones that are Creation. And there in the beating heart of Creation, the driving force is Divine Unconditional Love.
From our desire and inspiration to find meaning in our existence, to truly understand this story of Spirit, which is the Story of Creation, we came to feel within ourselves, and to see in one another, and in the entirety of the Cosmos all around us, that we are a host among many hosts or forms of Spirit, a host of divine sparks or monads. We are part of the Story of Creation, which is this journey of a hierarchy of hosts, who are held together as multiplicities of individuals and communities by affiliation and by love, and that each of these great hosts of life is shaped, guided, and inspired individually and collectively by their unique spark of the Divine. The whole of Creation is the journey of innumerable ones who are on the sacred path of the essential nature of Spirit which is “Self-Becoming by Self-Fulfillment”.
The Truths of why we are here has been passed down through the ages by Wise Ones and Seekers, held in trust by the Perennial Teachings, and it holds that we are here for one purpose. We are here to strive and to grow through trial and error, to learn from our mistakes and by our successes too, so that over the span of many years, and through many, many lives, that we will become better humans, and that each one of us, and together as a host of Divine Sparks, we may shine ever brighter like Creation itself, as beings full of Light and Love.
We are equally made by our own efforts, and by one another and for one another too. That is because the Divine, our monad, is formed by the integral experience of Individuality and Community, so that these truths are interwoven throughout the fabric of the Universe. For humans, we all wish to be “one of a kind”; but we also are made by our kinds, as we alchemically forge our uniqueness from the diversity of meaningfulness rooted in the many groups, communities, and cultures that we weave into ourselves too.
And it is here in Aquarius that we find the vessel or Avatar of this essential and paradoxical Truth, that we are One and we are also the Many. Every one of us is here to be a unique and exceptional human, yet we have made ourselves by and through the many groups or “kinds” to which we belong. We are all in one another, made up by one another and for one another; and we know, because it is true, that we are all for one, and one for all because we are sparks of Divine Love.
And as much as we are shaped by our joining and blending of these various kinds into the special human that we are, we equally contribute our own sensibilities and experiences back into these various groups, communities, cultures, and partnerships. It is this dynamic, alchemic and protean creation made by your weaving of the personal and social, it is by this that “you become you” and equally help one another to become a better human too. Truly, we are the means to make one another’s dreams come true, as our dreams are made through and by one another, and our dreams hold us to one another by friendship, companionship, and love.
This is the Truth of Aquarius; that we are only what we are because we are part of a sacred fellowship, a band of brothers and sisters who are forever seeking to create a better future, to help one another to be the very means by which our dreams come true. We are here for one another; we are for one another the living proof of our dreams coming true because our happiness is their happiness, and their happiness is ours. And because we love one another we also know this, that we must equally look to preserve and protect the dreams of our children and all those who may follow us too, for what we are made from is not bound by space or time.
We are not here for us or what was, because we know, because we understand, that within us is the spark of the Divine, the immortal seed of Divine Unconditional Love and that we have not seen our finer days. We have hope and believe in the dream of what has yet to be, of a day that is brighter, and a world that is healed, and so we set our sights on the far horizon.
Why are we here?
We are here to dream, to create, and to love one another.
We are here to love and be loved and to shine.
We are here,
To Dream, to Be and Become,
We are here to Love.
Originally published at on January 20, 2023.