Sun Enters Aquarius (January 19, 2025)
One for all, and all for the One
For the past 30 days you have considered the path and purpose of your life. It is in the sign of Capricorn that you meet your destiny, as you take the measure of how masterful you have become, of how well you have been responsible in and fulfilled by your achievements and contributions, revealed in your bearing and by your conduct, shaped and guided into these works of your character. You and “your works” are the self-forged living testament to your spiritual understanding.
After you have reached this summit, once you have done your duty to be your very best, once you have honored, preserved and passed on what your ancestors gave to you, after all your trials and labors, what will your next step be?
Today you leave the realm of Capricorn and enter the space of Aquarius. At this time every year, and wherever Aquarius is found in your chart, you are reminded of what is at the root of every particle of Cosmos, the light everlasting, the spark of the Divine. Behind the whole of Creation is the One, and being a one of the One, your whole nature is divined and defined by the essence of spirit, which is “to be, by self-becoming”.
So, having fulfilled your responsibilities, to your family, to your community, you might indeed wonder, “what comes next, what do I do now?” Ancient teachings and wise ones will gently suggest, and your very own “voice of the silence” will concur, that it is not enough to protect and preserve what was made by your ancestors. The everlasting spirit of your divine monad was not made, nor can it be held fast by what was. You are part of the journey of Spirit, and you are here to reach for the unmet promise, to make for the distant horizon of the unrealized dream of what you and your world are yet to be.
As much as it was not enough to know and tell the Truth in Sagittarius, you had to become and live by that Truth in Capricorn, so too it is not enough to stand for what is right and preserve the ways of our ancestors in Capricorn. Because you are here to grow beyond what has been, to be the maker of a better you and to make a better world, for you, for your children and all who will come after you too.
You are here to reach beyond what was established and secured by your own efforts, and also by all those who came before you. Aquarius is the space where we dream of what might be, of who we might become, and how we will create and make a better life for ourselves and for one another too.
Because, after all, behind all the what’s and why’s of what it means to be human, it all comes down to this…why are you here?
You are here for one sublime purpose; you are on this beautiful Earth to become a better human. You are on the path of awakening, and it will eventually lead to your self-fulfillment as a fully conscious co-creator of Creation, what is known as a “freed monad”, where you will no longer be utterly bound to the law of karma.
You are on a path that leads to true freedom, and your purpose is to free yourself. But this is also true about the way in which you will become free. You cannot be truly free without being the means to free one another. Because your self-fulfillment and your freedom can only be realized by means of and through one another. This is the one true path of the living spirit; we are all part of a bright shining community of light and love.
This is the Truth of Aquarius; that you are only what you are because you are part of a great company, a sacred fellowship, a band of brothers and sisters who are seeking to create a better future. You are here to help one another to be the very means by which your dreams come true, your happiness made real in them, and theirs in you.
This is the spark of the divine held by Aquarius. That you are part of a great human fellowship, a great family of souls. The dream of humanity can only be fulfilled through one another, because you are forever inextricably made by and for one another, by your fellowships and friendships, by your dreaming and doing and loving one another.
You are here for one reason, to become a better human.
You are on a path of awakening that leads to true freedom.
Your purpose is to free yourself, as you equally do this for one another too.
We will be what we dream, and we will become what we were destined to be.
Because we are “One for all, and all for the One”.