Pluto and the Will (May 3, 2020) Transcript of Radio Show — “The Fundamental Lesson of Self-Mastery”

Bill Attride
7 min readMay 4, 2020


Transcript of Radio Show — “The Fundamental Lesson of Self-Mastery”

I thought that today I would return to the topic, that I keep returning to, of the planet Pluto moving through Capricorn, and talk a little bit about how we understand the constitution of the Universe. I have some thoughts I would like to share with you. I will begin with a premise as it were, and it comes from many teachings from all traditions:

The Universe is Hierarchical. Beginning with the One, which encompasses the entirety of creation as it constitutes the essential ultimate that makes one and all, the formation of the Universe is arranged into a series of Spirit-Forms from the most sublime to the most mundane and material. In each form, that same hierarchy of spirit-forms exists, in each realm, in each part of it, the same hierarchy from the highest to the lowest is present. And that is why “what is above so is it below”, even to the very atoms and molecules forming you has this Hierarchy, as does the whole of you as a hierarchy, and that same hierarchy of energy-forms are to be found all around you too in everything…it is everything and everyone.

Since the whole Universe is formed by these same Spirit-Forms, whether you look out there to the Stars for truth, or look deep within yourself, you will find the same meanings, messages and patterns shining through. The Truth is out there, but it most certainly is within you too. That is why we say, “All things Shine with the Light of the One”.

That is also why, once you have reached the crossing point of the Divine Light, that is once you became “self-aware”, your journey quickened. This “gift of the Gods”, that Promethean Fire, was embodied as an injunction, and it is at the core of all the teachings of the mystery schools, found in the Greater and Lesser Mysteries, in the esoteric teachings that connect all religions, cultures and peoples. And that one injunction held above all others is “Know Thyself”.

This is the heart of the Teaching, this is the Key, for it points the way to your self-fulfillment, your self-mastery and illumination; it is the joyful truth that your destiny is in your hands.

The main vehicle or tool you have for the “Great Work”, as it is called, is your mind. Because you are self-aware, because you now know, and you know that you know, you are self-consciously on the path of awakening. There is no excuse; you can see and understand the fundamental law of your world; you experience “cause and effect” self-consciously each and every moment, and from life to life. You understand, at least you should, that what you make, that what you give, this is equally what you will get. The Universe is governed by immutable laws; spiritual justice is true and perfect. If you want a better life, if you want a better you, then you must live it! This is true for one and for all.

The great teaching holds, “As above, so below”. What that means is that within you are the same essential elements found in the highest parts of creation, and of these the three Highest are represented in Astrology by the three outermost planets, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto.

Uranus is the Avatar for the energy-form you know as Higher Mind; Neptune is the energy-form you know as Unconditional Love; and Pluto is the energy-form you know as Divine Will. They are in their highest the Mind, Love and Will of the One or God or whatever you may wish to call “that”. In you, these very same energy-forms are your own higher mind, your unconditional love, and your very own will.

These three are integral to one another, they only work together, and as you become ever more aligned to the Spiritual Hierarchy “out there”, your own spiritual hierarchy within you will become illumined and aligned as well. Your Mind will be modulated and shaped by Unconditional Love; and your Love for one another will find form and be expressed by your conduct as a loving being who is governed and centered by your own Will; and so guided by Divine Will, you will truly understand the great teaching and prayer, as you now stand in the light of the eternal now, that you are a co-creator with the Creator and so, say we all, “Let thy will be done”. This is the path to a truly purposeful life, it is a life of Light and Love, guided by Divine Purpose.

Truly, in the most developed beings that we know, what some call Devas or Shining Ones and others call Angels, these faculties have been refined and balanced with one another with a degree of perfection that we humans are seeking to reach but have yet to attain, to reach those undying lands beyond these human forms.

The critical and essential faculty for this Journey of Awakening, for lifting oneself and one another to the next spiritual realm of becoming, is the Will or Pluto. For if you are to rise to a greater level you must master yourself, and you must walk the path of righteousness, you must walk the narrow but royal road, for that is the middle way of self-realization, and to do this you must master yourself by your will and exercise and reveal your guiding divinity by your very own self-control.

And with regards to your “Journey in Self-Mastery”, the most important faculty you must bring under your will, the most important gift you must master is your mind. This is what you must keep your attention upon. For as your Will flows through your Unconditional Love, you will see the Truth and find your mind at peace. And by Right Thinking you will be guided to Right Action, and you will become the truth that you are made of.

Certainly, it is not easy now, in this time of a great crisis, but even more it is of a necessity, to hold your mind steady and calm in the face of so much fear, and pain and death. This is what a crisis brings, it shatters the world that was, it breaks the assumptions and certainties, and reveals that what had been expected and accepted as “the way the world is, that it is just the way it is”. Much of that worldly paradigm is now exposed as untenable and false.

This world is at a turning, as many of the powerful now are found to be empty of their purpose and their promises, and the weak and the ignored are lifted up with great praise and encompassing gratitude. This is a moment that you and the world will not forget; when the values, and the meanings of what is “the good”, of what is life for, are forever changed once again. Because this is not the first turning, but it is your turning.

An age is ending; an age is beginning. Each of us can be or make a difference.

Where to begin; what can you do? The only control you possess, at least to start with, is over yourself. The very next moment in each and every day is precious, and what will you make of it, what will you do? Your actions or inactions, your words and their intonation, your bearing or demeanor, your intentions and motivations are powerful.

Whatever or whomever you are now encountering, remember you have a choice. Do not be a reactor, pushed and pulled by the energies and actions of events and by others. Be true to yourself, listen to your higher self and let your will be guided by the One.

Yes, it does take more effort at first, to move through this world as an actor and not a reactor. But overtime it becomes effortless, as the energy-forms of love and compassion dissipate the fear-filled fogs of illusion and you feel more at peace within as well.

You probably will stumble and fail many days, even the Dalai Lama has a bad moment or two I would imagine, but over many days and months you will lift yourself and one another to a better way and a better place.

Your goal is what seems most elusive to you at this time, to be at peace, to have Peace of Mind.

The way is to take control of what you can, that is yourself. Choose to listen carefully, choose to respond caringly, and always act in alignment with the Love and Will of the One.

This is what is called “the Way”; and, it has always been the way.

Once you are aligned within, you will also be able to reach out and join with other mindful, loving and centered souls. With friend and with neighbors, with colleagues and loved ones, we are already beginning to remake the world we live in and with one another on this beautiful corner of the Universe, this home we call our Earth.

On Thursday morning here in New York, but around the world on that day, many will celebrate a great soul who walked the path we all walk. He is known by what he is, the Buddha. This day, this Thursday, is called the Buddha Full Moon; and it is celebrated to honor someone who chose the path of Light and Love and Divine Purpose.

So, what we all need to do perhaps every day, and certainly on this great day we celebrate on Thursday, we say the Great Invocation. Which we can hold in our hearts to guide our steps every day. And the invocation is:

From the point of light within the Mind of God Let Light stream forth into our minds Let LIGHT descend on Earth.

From the point of love within the Heart of God Let Love stream forth into our hearts May LOVE increase on Earth.

From the center where the Will of God is known Let purpose guide our wills The PURPOSE which the masters know and serve.

From the center which we call Humanity Let the Plan of Love and Light work out

And may it seal the door where evil dwells. Let Light and Love and Power restore the Plan on Earth.

Here is the link to the radio show:



Bill Attride
Bill Attride

Written by Bill Attride

Mr. Attride is known for his unique integration of the spiritual and the psychological dimensions of Astrology.

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