Astrological Musings — Where are we now, Part 2? The USA, Trump and Impeachment (October 7, 2019)

Bill Attride
9 min readOct 8, 2019


Donald Trump — The test of Power

As I noted in my 2019 Forecast, it is certainly true that throughout history, one can often discern the future of a nation by the fortunes or misfortunes indicated in the chart of its head of state. I had also noted in the my forecast for the USA that the most significant planetary transit in the chart of the USA this year is Pluto opposing the USA Mercury. It may come as no surprise then that the most important transits in the chart of Donald Trump is by Pluto in 2019 and 2020.

Yes, in 2019 and 2020, Donald Trump will have Pluto forming an Inconjunct aspect (150°) to his Sun. But outer planetary alignments build in over more than one year, and then culminate when they are exact. For now, in 2019 and becoming exact in 2020, the planet Pluto will be in opposition to Trump’s Saturn.

Pluto’s Role in the Triad of Spirit

Pluto is one of the Avatars of the tripartite core of our Spiritual Hierarchy, or what I like to call the “Triad of Spirit”. Uranus is the Avatar or principle of the Higher Mind; Neptune is the Avatar of Unconditional Love; and Pluto is the Avatar of the Will. Together, forming the crown of the spiritual hierarchy, which is found in every speck and mote of creation, they represent the Mind, Love and Will of God. Whereas their manifestation on lower planes is seen in the structures of elementary particles, chemical, and organic life-forms, we as humans, being self-aware, are here to learn to wield these powers, by aligning are thoughts, feelings and power to the path of truth and light. We humans are circuitously and slowly, but surely bending ever upward as we walk the path of awakening by developing ever freer minds, more truly unconditional love and becoming ever more guided by our more centered wills.

For humans, Pluto rules will-power, and it is by exercising our will that we strive to master ourselves. We are slowly learning that we must focus inwardly, and to use our will for greater self-control and self-mastery. The number one error (or sin) on this Earth is when we use our will and power to control, subjugate, manipulate and violate one another. The greatest spiritual crime that we humans can commit is trespassing, wherein we violate the sacred space of another.

We are here to master ourselves. By our example to one another, as well as by offering loving help and guidance to others, we are here to help one another towards greater self-mastery and self-control. It is only by being truly centered by the will, (and guided by Wisdom and Unconditional Love), that we will use whatever personal power (as in a family), or social power (as in our community) or our larger collective powers (such as in Corporate or Institutional powers) it is only by our Triad of Spirit that we exercise them correctly. We must always remember that all power flows from the source and must serve it, (the family, the community or the Nation), and so we must serve the source of that power and direct it in a proper manner as determined by what or whom we serve. It is not “our” power; we are but vessels serving something higher. Ultimately, any exercise of power must be in accordance with Spiritual truth which is the source of the One Power. That is why we must hold ourselves to the royal road and say, “Let Thy Will Be Done”.

In all these human hierarchies of Family, Community, Corporation or State, the leadership is spiritually invested with the responsibility to be the prime mover and example for the whole that they serve, they are the “Exemplar” or Avatar in human terms of this spiritual truth: Their exercise of Will and Power must be held, centered and so yoked so that it serves the purpose and intent of that entity that they serve. This is why we acknowledge these investitures of power by some form of ceremony, and very often that person will take a “oath”, which binds their individual will to the general good or purpose of the what or whom they serve. They are to acknowledge that this power is not “theirs”, but it is merely entrusted to them while they hold that office faithfully.

Donald Trump

In 2019 Donald Trump is experiencing both Pluto Inconjunct to his Sun, as he also faces the steadily building Opposition of Pluto to his Saturn. With the Sun ruling the “Experience of Oneself”, and with Saturn representing the Reality that this Self has made or formed for itself, we are witnessing the growing unease and uncertainty of Trump’s experience of his purpose and will, (Pluto to his Sun). But also, increasingly in during 2019 but becoming fully formed in 2020, Trump will encounter the growing reality that his power is being be met with a Power greater than his which, depending upon how he responds (or reacts), may ultimately lead to the removal of his exercise of power altogether as Pluto goes over his Saturn.

The 2019 Inconjunct, is slowly but surely creating a condition of uncertainty and fear for Trump, as he realizes that his interior experience of his own power, and the actual experience of power outwardly are becoming uncoupled. Many individuals who face this same aspect often find themselves with a foreboding sense that the ground is shifting from underneath them, so that they feel and act as individuals who are becoming unmoored and uncentered. Some have chosen to walk away, to relocate or refocus their center and their exercise of power. For many of those, it is actually quite liberating, and is experienced as it should be, an opportunity to grow. For some, who do not wish to lose what they believe to be “theirs”, they are reminded that we are all here to serve the source of power, and not to exercise it as if it were ours alone. So, what is actually happening “spiritually” for Trump, is that his personal will and its alignment to the greater Will of the whole is becoming increasingly tenuous.

Meanwhile, growing in 2019 and then forcefully showing itself fully in 2020, the Pluto Opposition to Trump’s Saturn will directly confront the very structure or Reality of his Power, as it will force a confrontation between Power and Power in the very Roles and Titles, the very Institutional nature as understood and experienced by Trump. Pluto’s passages are most often experienced as quite cathartic and transformational, and for many are likened to a death and/or rebirth experience. The Reality that Trump has made of himself is facing its ultimate test. He will see it as a “life or death” experience. He will fight harder than he ever has to maintain his position and power. The other realms of collective Will and Power will take up one side or another, and often Trump will see these other wielders of Power as countering him and what he considers to be his rightful exercise of power. The question will be, is it a rightful or wrongful use of his position. Power will face Power, claims of Right will battle with other claimants. In the end, Spirit will decide who is right and who must fall.

Other Alignments

As I noted in my 2019 forecast, there are several other challenging transits in Trump’s chart in 2019 and 2020. For example, Neptune, the second planet of the Spiritual Triad, is making several alignments: Neptune Squares his Uranus in 2019 and Neptune Squares his Lunar Nodes in 2020; and Neptune will Square his Moon and Sun in 2021:

  • The Square of Neptune to Uranus will make an individual feel that their individual freedom is being circumscribed and diminished. Here in 2019, life will seem more and more fraught with uncertainties and confusion for Trump, leading to rising levels of anxiety and fear. This particular passage is even more disturbing for Trump, who has Uranus as the planet next to his Sun and also leading the pattern of his chart. His positing of Uranus has created a self-image for Trump as an “Iconoclast” (a breaker of idols), and he has throughout his life sought to break conventions, norms and stretch the bounds of what is right and wrong. Now his very “power”, to be an unbound man, is coming into question as he feels his freedom to act as he will challenged.
  • In 2020, Neptune Squares Trump’s Nodes of the Moon, (what are known as the pointers of life, of where you are coming from and going to, what we know as Dharma/Karma). It is one of the most important indicators of your spiritual purpose, showing the path of growth (or not) for the soul. This aspect is already being felt by Trump, creating a growing unease and confusion regarding his real purpose, and storm clouds of anxiety will obscure what he is truly facing on the path ahead.
  • Culminating in 2021, but already being felt in 2019 and certainly throughout 2020, Trump will have Neptune Squaring both his Moon and his Sun. The passage over his Moon will make him ever more emotional and unstable. He will experience ever increasing degrees of emotional confusion, and he will exhibit many more emotional upsets and outbursts, as he slowly descends into ever greater emotional vulnerability. This transit can make a person who is not centered and strong ever more confused, fearful and delusional. It really should be a period, for anyone, to take some time to consider their life with regards to spiritual and emotional fulfillment. They should take time to restore their emotional health, and so reduce or let go of major responsibilities.
  • At the same time, Neptune will align with Trump’s Sun which is often more challenging than the passage over the Moon. The Sun rules your sense of self, and Neptune will erode and dissolve that sense of self and reveal the “truth”, that you do not really know who you are, and that you are more (or less) than the person you thought yourself to be. Trump will experience a loss of confidence and certainty about himself, (and most likely compensate by doubling down on his grandiosity and claims of being “perfect”). If he were honest with himself, he would surrender his responsibilities (and perhaps go on a spiritual quest which might lead to some kind of re-birth and renewal). But if Trump persists as if nothing has changed, he will increasingly find that his view of himself and the world will become irrevocably and deeply divided from the world as it truly is.

The Chart of the Impeachment Inquiry

I also thought it worth mentioning that an Astrologer can create a chart for any “event”, and see what it might indicate for that moment in time, that is the conditions and messaging from the stars in “the now”. I calculated the chart for the announcement by Nancy Pelosi of the official start of the Impeachment Inquiry on September 24, 2019, at just after 5 pm EDT.

I often make use of, in my personal readings with clients, a book of symbols for each degree of the Zodiac, written by Dane Rudhyar titled, “An Astrological Mandala: The Cycle of Transformations and its 360 Symbolic Phases”.

I often use this when examining Progressed New Moons and Progressed Full Moons, as well as other relevant moments in a client’s journey. One of the most important points of any chart is formed by the Rising Sign and Degree. The rising degree or Ascendant in the “Impeachment Chart” is 18 degrees of Aquarius. Here is the symbol of that degree:

Keynote: The difficulty for the modern individual to keep secret his private past or his deeper motives…
This symbol refers to the UNMASKING of hidden motives and personal secrets. It may refer to the publicizing of past behavior.

This is Trump’s “test of power”, and it will reveal whether or not he has aligned his will with the Greater Will, or whether he has misused his powers and taken the Social and Collective good will to serve his own personal and self-interested needs.



Bill Attride
Bill Attride

Written by Bill Attride

Mr. Attride is known for his unique integration of the spiritual and the psychological dimensions of Astrology.

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