2024–8‑11 Radio Show Transcript — The 2024 US Presidential Election, Kamala Harris-Donald Trump | Astrologer Bill Attride
The 2024 US Presidential Election, Kamala Harris and Donald Trump (August 11, 2024)
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I did a radio show back in 2019, and another in 2020 on Kamala Harris. In the first episode she was a Presidential candidate, and in the second I was analyzing her chart as Joe Biden’s running mate. But now that she is the Democratic Presidential candidate for 2024, and Tim Walz is her Vice-Presidential pick, I knew we would all want to take a fresh look at our current conditions, and in particular take a look at Kamala’s chart and compare it to Donald Trump’s.
I will do a summary of Harris’ chart and compare that with a summary on Trump’s chart. Then I will look at the current conditions in Harris’ chart and compare that with the influences prevailing in Trump’s chart.
When reading a chart, it is important to remain open and curious, to hold oneself within a holistic or inclusive observational framework. What this means is that even though we will immediately notice someone’s Sun sign, and their Moon sign and Rising Sign, and we will certainly ascertain a great deal from just these three indicators, it is important to step back and look for an overall pattern, an encompassing meaningfulness of the chart. What we look for are what we call planetary patterns, certainly an overarching pattern that all the planets may form with one another, and also to the individual patterns or formations within the whole chart. And it is from such an overall pattern or impression that we are able to discern a person’s basic type, something that forms their spiritual constitution and their approach to life in general.
For Kamala, the overarching pattern of her chart is what we call an Hour-Glass or a See Saw pattern. This is formed when there are a number of planets in one section of the chart, and then there is another gathering of planets across from the other, and then between those filled in areas there are no planets whatsoever. This creates a deep awareness or consciousness of opposite and contrasting points of view, of experiencing the world as diverse and complex, and especially seeing our human world as formed by opposing views which can lead to conflicts between one side and another. Because of this, Kamala is able to understand one side of a question, and also the other side (or sides), and so when she is working at her best, her desire and intention is to find the way to bring about understanding between one side and another, to reconcile the opposites if possible. Often that is found by finding a “third way”, which blends some of each into a more integral approach to the issues or problems being faced. Kamala’s challenge and her gift is to stand “in the middle”, to see the good and the less than good on either side of the issue, and try, if possible, to find a way beyond conflict. Kamala will strive to bring people and groups together to forge agreements by building bridges of mutual understanding.
Kamala is a Libra, with her Moon in Aries, and she has Gemini as her Rising Sign. Though that combination does create a very strong and idealistic persona, she also has a number of planets in Earth signs, including her ruler Venus in Virgo and Jupiter in Taurus, which together help to forge a more pragmatic approach from her values and sense of truth, leading her to a realistic application for her idealism. As a Libra she wants to work towards cooperation and understanding, but no one should mistake her as being over-accommodating. After all, she has the planet Mars, the planet of the warrior, in Leo, and it is also her rising planet, which means Mars will lead her through life. This makes her a fighter (Mars) for honor and respect (Leo), a leader who seeks to leads by inspiration and example. The challenge posed by her Mars, is that Kamala will have to modulate her assertive, martial nature so that she does not come off as too aggressive. Though this served her well as a prosecutor, it would have to be tempered in the public space of politics. I do believe that her more joyful demeanor and laughter now indicates that she is channeling her warrior spirit, but she is doing it with a sense of humor too.
At the very top of her chart Kamala has Saturn, in the sign of Aquarius. Saturn represents the test in one’s life, which by facing and overcoming that spiritual challenge will reward that individual by becoming one of their most important strengths and deeply shape their character. Saturn in Aquarius is the test of social consciousness and conscience, and by aligning one’s own dreams with the community, state or nation, a person can be a leader of social change and justice. And Saturn in the 9th house is the test of Truth. Here a person is challenged to continue to strive to understand, to realize the journey to truth is not about coming to a destination, but it is instead formed by a series of epiphanies, which leads the soul to expand their understanding to encompassing many approaches to truth, to find the common threads behind all sciences, philosophies and religions.
I have examined Donald Trump’s chart many times, but I will summarize his chart now just as I did for Kamala Harris. The overarching pattern for Trump is what astrologer’s call a Bowl or Hemispheric pattern. All planets fall within roughly 180 degrees, filling one half of the chart, and the other half has no planets whatsoever. This pattern fosters a high degree of self-containment and independence, creating a special sense of mission or purpose in life. Often the individual does not need much social interaction, as their own position or point of view is paramount. The planet that is the leading edge of this pattern forms the way they meet with the world. For Trump, this leading planet is also the uppermost planet in his chart, and it is right next to his Sun and opposite his Moon. That signature planet for Trump is the planet Uranus. Uranus is the planet of individuality and freedom, and given its prominence in Trump’s chart, he certainly sees himself as a unique individual, and his purpose is to be a breaker of icons and norms.
Donald is a Gemini with his Moon in Sagittarius, and he has Leo Rising. Like Kamala, Trump has a very strong and idealistic persona, but unlike Kamala he does not have any Earthy planets to balance out or temper his idealism. The combination of his Gemini Sun with the Sagittarian Moon makes Donald a very curious and restless individual, who swings back and forth between one position and then another, making him flexible and pliable, a mercurial nature with a constant stream of thoughts, notions and suppositions. And, interestingly, just like Kamala, Donald has the planet Mars in Leo, and given its placement just inside his 12th house, it also functions as one of his Rising planets too. This means Trump is a fighter too, but with Mars in his 12th house, he prefers to act as a sacrificial hero, and often works behind the curtain, covering up his true aims or intentions.
It is very interesting to note, that two factors shared by many presidents in US history, is either having Mars as the rising planet, for 20% of all presidents, or Mars in Leo, for 26% of all presidents. Admittedly, it is a small sample of only 42 individuals, but the fact that Kamala and Trump have both means something.
But there is another planet that one could argue functions as another rising planet for Trump, because we can certainly observe that it plays a significant role in the persona he projects to the world, and that planet is Neptune. Neptune is the planet of dreams, of imagination and fantasy, of inspirations and delusions. When Neptune is rising, and many movie stars have had this feature, you can play many or any roles, because the audience finds it easy to project their dreams upon you, so that in effect, that person acts like a mirror and becomes the bearer of others dreams or fears. And not only does Donald have Neptune rising, but it exactly squares the ruler of Gemini, Mercury, and so it is very much integral to the way he thinks and communicates. But another feature of Neptune, which rules the sign of Pisces, is to take on the role of savior or martyr, to play the hero or the victim. That certainly fits the persona of Trump, who swings between the vanquishing hero and the victim of a world that is out to get him.
Now let us look at the major planetary indicators in Kamala’s and Donald’s charts. When considering any chart, I first take a look at two indicators in order to get a quick sense of what is happening in any individual’s life. One indicator is the position of their progressed Moon, (sign and house) and the other is the house position of Saturn, and the aspects it is forming with the elements of their chart.
For Kamala, her progressed Moon has been moving through her 1st house since July 2023 and it will enter the 2nd house by December 2024, and it has been in the sign of Cancer since December 2023, where it will remain until November 2025. The progressed Moon in the 1st house is a time when you re-present yourself to the world, when you take on a new role, a new identity, and you lean into and develop a newer form of the power of your presence in the world. When it moves into the 2nd house, you focus on your strengths and values, and you are tasked with applying your faculties in ever more meaningful ways in the world. When the progressed Moon is in Cancer, it is a time to re-center yourself, to become more in touch with your feelings, and so be able to equally connect in more meaningful ways with other people. You more deeply connect to your roots and origins, and by extension find the way to connect to other people with regards to their needs for nurturing and security too.
From 2021 to 2023, Kamala had Saturn moving through her 9th house (which is where it is located in her birth chart). When Saturn is moving through the 9th, you are going on an inner and outer journey to deepen and extend your experience of the truth, whether that be cultural, scientific, religious or spiritual truths, or usually a combination of them all. By clarifying your truth, and more deeply aligning yourself to what guides and motivates you, you are in effect preparing for what comes next, which is Saturn in the 10 thhouse, the Test of Responsibility. Saturn entered Kamala’s 10 thhouse in 2023 and will remain there until 2026. This is the climactic moment in her life, where everything she has done since Saturn began it cycle through her chart, that is when it entered her 1st house in 2002–2004, then fully committing to her path with Saturn in the 4th house in 2008–10, and finally moving out into an even more public life when Saturn entered her 7th house in 2017–19, so that now all that she has done and prepared herself for is ready to be fully realized. Now she will feel the weight of responsibility, and if she has prepared herself, she will receive acknowledgement from the world that she is ready to fulfill her duty.
With just these two indicators, the progressed Moon and the transiting Saturn, moving through these angular houses, it certainly would seem that the stars have aligned for Kamala. But there are other indicators that are also favoring her at this time. Most significantly, Kamala was born with her Sun trining her Saturn, which forges and deep understanding of how the world works, and how one can and should work towards fulfilling your duty as an authority in the world. In progressions, the Sun moves about 1 degree per year in a chart, and it is precisely this year, when she is 60 years old, that her progressed Sun is now forming a sextile to her Saturn, which brings to fruition her potential.
Then with regards to other major transits, 2024 is the year when the planet Uranus is conjunct her Jupiter, the planet of benevolence, of being jovial, of good fortune and growth. Uranus brings the unexpected, like a door suddenly opening. Kamala was prepared to be a vice-president again, but Uranus came along, and another door opened, sudden good fortune, and just as suddenly, joyful.
Now let’s look at those two principal factors in Donald Trump’s chart, the progressed Moon and transiting Saturn. For Donald, his progressed Moon has been moving through the 3rd house of his chart from 2023 and will remain there until 2026. When the Moon is moving through this house you are being asked to work on your means of gathering data or information, of processing information, and then of transmitting it. What you will feel like is that you are sort of “back in school”, and you need to put your thinking cap on and reexamine the world around you and adjust your understanding and messaging about it. Basically, it is like going through a series of intelligence tests, and if you can adapt and grow you will do well. But if you refuse to change your approach and message, you will probably become more dissociated from the world around you. This is, after all, the natural house of Gemini, and Trump should be able to pivot and retool his thinking now. But from all the evidence so far this year, he is still saying the same things, in the same ways, and it is not reaching that wider audience he will need to win.
Meanwhile, his progressed Moon had been in Libra from September 2021 until January 2024, but it is now moving through Scorpio (until 2026). Whenever the Moon is in Scorpio, you are going to experience a far higher range of feelings and emotions, much higher highs and much deeper lows. Scorpio is the sign of Union, of birth, death and rebirth. The longing for the individual at this time is for a renewal, and a deeper connection within oneself and to others. The fear that must be faced is rejection and loss, and the very fear of death itself. Whatever happens to Donald at this time, he is going to react more strongly, and if he does not face his fears he will not fare well.
From 2020 to 2023, Donald had Saturn moving through his 6th house, the house that rules the ordering of one’s life, your lifestyle and way of working, of your health and the need for adjustment and healing. I call this house the house of suffering, because we suffer when we become unable to adapt, and we are attached to ways of being that were never or are no longer good for us. We suffer, not as a thing unto itself, rather suffering is nature’s way of saying “move away from this pain”, so that we will let go and grow, and become better. And if we do this, we are ready for what the next house will bring to us, the 7 thhouse which is the house of relationships and our relationship to the world.
For 2023, 2024 and the beginning of 2025, Donald has Saturn in the 7th house of relationship. Just as in Kamala’s chart, this is one of the four angles of the chart, and indicates a change in one’s relationship with the world. If Trump has made the proper adjustments during Saturn’s passage through the 6th house, then he should be prepared to face the tests and opportunities of more meaningful relationships now. But if he has not released from his attachments that have caused him to suffer, then that will become evident to the larger world as Saturn moves through his 7th house now.
For 2024, while Saturn is moving through the 7th house it is forming a square to that most significant planet in Donald’s chart, the planet Uranus in his 10th house of the public life. This means he is facing a great challenge and difficulty balancing out his need to be different (Uranus) and his need to be responsible (Saturn). Often this combination of Saturn and Uranus can create a very tense period, with upsets and frustrations as the challenge to make necessary changes is thwarted by one’s own inability to change, or by other people who are the source of the resistance and/or the source of the pressure to change whatever he is resisting.
The other major factor in Donald’s chart this year is being brough to bear by that very singular planet for him, Uranus. During 2024, Uranus is moving back and forth over the cusp of his 10th house, and at the same time Uranus is squaring his Mars. I spoke about this in my show on January 28, 2024, when I previewed the 2024 election, with Trump and Biden as the candidates. I noted then that with the imminent return of Uranus’ position in Donald’s chart, he would experience shocks, both pleasant and unpleasant, that Uranus brings into our lives. The challenges of Uranus are meant to free us from our self-limitations, to move us towards a more truly individuated experience of ourselves and our world. If we are here to grow, then we are here to change, to evolve, to become what our purpose of Earth is all about, which is to become a better human.
If you respond to the winds of change by resisting, you may succeed if you are maintaining core values and principles. But if you are resisting because of fear, then your worldview and you will begin to crack and perhaps even shatter. Trump was prepared to compete against Biden, and it looked to many as if he would succeed. Then Uranus lined up with Trump’s Mars; the unexpected happened, Biden bowed out. This is, in Trump’s worldview, incomprehensible, that someone would walk away from power? He was stunned, and he certainly has not, as yet, recovered and responded to this Uranian turn of events. And while Uranus is squaring Donald’s Mars so as to make him act even more erratically, Uranus is forming a conjunction to Kamala’s Jupiter which is opening opportunities for her.
Given recent events and current conditions and considering the overall influences prevailing in Kamala’s and Donald’s charts this year, it seems very likely that the next president of the United States will be Kamala Harris.
I think in my next show we will consider the larger forces at work in the world, as we seem to be at an inflection point in many respects. We will certainly talk more about the USA election, but also cast a wider net on the trends in the USA and the world. The winds of the spirit are stirring, and we need to be attentive if we want to be prepared to meet the moment.
Originally published at https://www.astrologerbillattride.com on August 13, 2024.