2021–5–2 Radio Show Transcript — The Democratic Leadership

Bill Attride
11 min readMay 28, 2021


Transcript of Radio Show: The Democratic Leadership: Biden, Schumer, Pelosi

(If you wish to listen to the show instead, here is the link on BlogTalk or Apple Podcasts)

We have examined over the last few shows the importance of the outer planetary conditions active in the world generally and with regards to the US and US history. I thought we might want to take this moment to look at these influences in a more individual way today and see how these same planets are influencing some of the most significant actors upon our historical stage now in the United States.

What is remarkable about our moment in the USA right now is that we find ourselves with the Executive and Legislative Branches being led by three Democrats. The last time this was true was in the period from 2009–2011, which was in the first half of Obama’s first term. Astrologically, what was true then is also true now, in one respect, in that the Planet Jupiter once again is in Aquarius (as it is every 12 years or so).

So, I thought it would be interesting to examine the charts for the three leaders of the United States government, Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, and Joe Biden. Let us look at each of their charts and see what they bring to this moment as individuals and as a team and look at the planetary influences they are experiencing this year. Given the critical importance of what is happening generally in the world with the passage of Pluto in Capricorn, and Neptune in Pisces, and Uranus in Taurus, and especially so for the chart of the USA, we will want to see what these planets indicate in each of their charts at this time.

Chuck Schumer
Let us begin with Chuck Schumer who is the Senate Majority Leader and a key player right now because the House will work up Bills, but they have to pass the Senate which is split now 50/50 between Democrats and Republicans, and then be signed or not into law by the President. So, Chuck Schumer’s role is critical.

Chuck Schumer is born with a chart that has what we call a Splay pattern, which means the planets are scattered around the wheel and form a highly integrated pattern. I always tell clients who have this pattern, that they have a much more unique approach to life, and they can pull together various things that sometimes do not seem related and make sense of it. So, in times which for others is confusing, and they do not understand what is happening, people with splay patterns see through the confusion and see the underlying order of things. And because of this, they can come up with rather unusual or significant insights and actions or solutions because of that ability.

Chuck Schumer is a Sagittarius with his Sun in the 10 thHouse and his Moon at the nadir in Taurus, and a Rising Sign of Capricorn, but with his ruler of Sagittarius of Jupiter Rising in Aquarius in his 1 stHouse. He has a Fire dominant chart, with that Sagittarian energy and other placements in his chart that gives him more of a fire element than anything else. That makes them very idealistic, but he is also firm because he has many fixed planets in his chart. Yet more than not, he would be an adaptable person because he has more mutability in his chart or more mutable planets in his chart than many other people.

The significant transits in his chart right now would be that he has Pluto, the outermost planet, is transiting his Dharma/Karma line in 2021 and 2022. That will make him feel as if a “date with destiny” for him has arrived, it is his time to reap the fruits of his past actions and move closer to his life purpose. This moment could be that time when Schumer’s personal destiny aligns with a great moment in history.

Moreover, and perhaps even more significant is that Pluto is coming across his Ascendant this year, his Rising sign, and next year as well. Pluto is the planet of the Will and Will Power and control, and Schumer will feel the call to more deeply identify himself with a spiritual cause and/or political moment. He will be more uncompromising and steadfast as he frees himself from conventional ideas and actions, and he will find himself personally transformed as that Alchemical energy of Pluto transforms the critical position that he holds in the world right now.

Meanwhile Neptune is trining his Midheaven which means that he will see his faith, vision and dream becoming more of a reality now, especially if his purpose is formed and guided by the greater common good. This is a time where the dedication and sacrifice for a cause will lead to very real progress for the larger social order that he serves.

And then Uranus, which is the third of the outermost planets, is trining his Mars, the planet of action and desire, and this will help him to achieve his goals by acting in creative and innovative ways to fulfill his ambitions, provided his goal and purpose is guided by the intention to help establish greater freedom and self-fulfillment for others. People will notice that Schumer is not acting like his old self and he is likely to succeed if he blazes a new path and does things that he would not have tried before. It is if his belief that he could not do something prevented him from even trying before, but now he is free to pursue the path not taken.

Nancy Pelosi
Nancy Pelosi, the Speaker of the House, the head of the House in our government, has a pattern that is called Locomotive which means the planets are spread through 2/3 of the chart and 1/3 remains open and empty. People like that have a “locomotive energy”, propelling them upwards and outwards as long as they have a vision and dream and a goal that they are reaching up to. The leading edge of that pattern is often critical, and for her it is Mercury, the planet of the mind and communications leading her through life. She is also a Fire dominant person in terms of from makeup, but she has a lot of Earth in her chart. She is an idealist and pragmatist, with her Sun in the 8 thHouse in Aries, and Aries being the first sign is a sign for leadership. And it is interesting that she is a Fire sign as his Chuck Schumer being a Sagittarius. Her Moon is at the Nadir for chart also, but it is in the sign of Scorpio. Chuck’s Moon is in Taurus and her Moon is in Scorpio almost exactly opposite one another, and yet Chuck’s Moon in Taurus is on or Conjunct Nancy’s Venus and Uranus. So, there are all these linkages between their charts that would make them be rather good and sensitive and cooperative with one another. They are different but there is more alike here than not. Nancy’s Rising sign is the sign of Leo, again another sign of leadership, and Neptune, the planet vision and dream and inspiration, is her Rising planet. She is idealistic but she is also very pragmatic and very fixed; she is very purposeful, very determined and more so than the adaptable Chuck Schumer I would argue. She is very fixed and purposeful to the point of being unyielding with her fixed planets being dominant.

What are her aspects now? Pluto is trining her Sun Sign ruler, the planet Mars. Pelosi will feel powerful and purposeful during this period. This is a moment for her when what seemed impossible, Mars is what you are reaching for and trying to get, will be accomplished. In fact, I tell people with Pluto on their Mars that this is a time when “Mission Impossible” is certainly possible, and you are going surprise others and yourself with what you can do. What most people would have found to be a most challenging task right now will seem easy for her. This is one of those special moments when Pelosi can achieve her life’s ambitions, especially with regards to actions and goals dedicated to rebirth, renewal, and regeneration, again all keywords for the planet Pluto.

Neptune, meanwhile, is opposite to her Neptune in 2021 and 2022, and yes, this is the same aspect that is occurring in the chart of the United States. For an individual this will happen only in their early 80s and marks a time of great significance for anyone spiritually. The elevation of her conscience and consciousness to an even higher plane is possible, and so she may experience the unity of not just humans for one another but for all life, and it is deeply felt and that guides her now. For many this moment marks a period of great spiritual awakening, of compassion and of empathy.

Meanwhile, Uranus is transiting her 10 thHouse, because she has Taurus on her 10 thHouse, which is the House of one’s life purpose and career. For those who have followed their truth, this can be a time of even greater self-fulfillment, as she more completely reveals her unique contribution to her life’s work. With Uranus ruling individuality and innovation, it will be a time for her to reveal her individual specialness of vision in the world, a vision that she has steadily worked towards since the year 2000 when Uranus moved into her 7 thHouse. With Uranus at the top of her chart, this will be a time when Pelosi will reach beyond what appeared to be the limits of her efforts up to this point, and by acting from a meaningful and innovative dedication to the task at hand, she will free herself and others from the old world had established a new one.

Joe Biden
Joe Biden’s pattern is also a Locomotive like Nancy, but for him the leading edge is the Moon in Taurus. So, both he and Nancy are purposeful and driven, have their eyes on the prize, and as long as they steadily follow that prize, they have this energy driving them to get to where they are going. But for Joe, as opposed to Chuck or Nancy, he has Water, a lot of Water in his chart, and people who are “Watery” are sensitives, they are empathic and compassionate by nature. His Sun in Scorpio is in the 12 thHouse. His moon in Taurus is in the 5 th, but it is also the rising body of his chart. Joe has the Moon rising which makes for even greater sensitivity, and with Neptune at his Midheaven, as the planet that is guiding him in terms of his path in life. Sensitive and compassionate with that water dominance, yet with fixed planets being dominant, it makes him fundamentally determined and unyielding, as is Nancy Pelosi.

What are his transits? For Joe, Pluto right now is opposing the ruler of Biden’s Ascendant, which is the planet Jupiter, during 2021. Jupiter rules our truth, and Jupiter rules Sagittarius his rising sign and so this is a time where Biden’s determination and drive to attain success this year will be unstoppable, as he seeks to bring together the truth, or his truth, and reality, to make what he thinks ought to be the actual way things are. As long as he wields the power of his office and position for the greater good, he will not be stopped at this time. He (we) cannot force our truth upon others, but it is his duty to fulfill the hopes and dreams of the majority of Americans he has sworn to serve, and this year he will be unwavering in that service.

Meanwhile, Neptune is trining Biden’s Mercury, which is the ruler of his 10 thHouse of the career. This will be a year when Biden’s compassion and imagination will guide his thoughts and deeds. For an artist and for him, this would be a moment where his reason and his rational mind will combine with his intuitional and compassionate nature to inspire and uplift his audience. His connection to others, his ability to empathize and give voice to their hopes and dreams, to reach them and move them will be very considerable. Many will experience the truth that he feels what they feel, he speaks to their heart and their hopes, and they will know that he is a leader for them at this time.

Meanwhile, Uranus is opposite the ruler of Biden’s Sun, the planet Mars, because Mars rules Scorpio. Uranus is the planet that elicits the Individuation Process, and in alignment with the planet of action and desire, means that Biden is going to surprise himself (and others) with the way in which he acts on the world stage right now. He will feel the need to move or act in a very different manner in order to reach his aims and aspirations. He will surprise many who thought they knew how he would act as a leader.

Age of Aquarius
I also think, I believe, that given the historic moment that we are in as determined by the Great Mutation in Aquarius of Jupiter and Saturn this past December, that it is also important to consider where this conjunction took place in each of their charts, especially when we remember that the chart of the USA has its ruler, given that the USA’s Sun is in Cancer, that the Moon in the USA chart is in the sign of Aquarius. And even more than this, that the Moon in a nation’s chart rules “the People”.

For Schumer, the Mutation was in his First House, where both Saturn and Jupiter remain for now. The First House rules are “presence” in this world, and defines the motivations and intentions, and creates the “persona” that a person will move into the world. The “way” Schumer will lead now will be a renewed one guided by the Aquarian Age.

For Pelosi, the Mutation was in her 6 thHouse, which is the House of “Service and Order” and would indicate a rededication in her life to the path of service and work at this time. And, even more deeply committed by Aquarius, because this is what Aquarius rules, to help and heal communities.

For Biden, the Mutation was in his 2 ndHouse, which is the House of “Value and Self-worth”, which has been reinforced by this Aquarian New Age. He will experience a renewed commitment to the essential value behind all values, which is at the center of the value of us all, and which we all know and live by, and that is Unconditional Love.

I think this moment in history, with these three leaders for us at this time, does indicate that a New Age has begun, or a New Age is attempting to begin, by those people who are called upon to be instruments and leaders at this time. But, of course, we are all called upon at this time to believe that we can make a “New World” any and every day. There is an old phrase that I love to quote sometimes, it is not my phrase, there are no original thoughts down here of course, and that phrase is that “beaten paths are for beaten people”. We are here to be Trail Blazers and find a new and better way to meet each other, to meet one another’s needs, to help each other to thrive and be fulfilled, because to the extent that any one of us is limited in our self-realization, then all of us are diminished. And so, it is incumbent on all of us to foster those conditions which allow the flowering of the human potential and our spirit so that we will meet this moment in the best possible manner and create a better future for those who come after us.



Bill Attride
Bill Attride

Written by Bill Attride

Mr. Attride is known for his unique integration of the spiritual and the psychological dimensions of Astrology.

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