2020–10–11 Radio Show Transcript — The Path of Light Part 3, Uranus and Individuality

Bill Attride
12 min readOct 12, 2020


Today’s show is Part 3 of my review of the Hierarchy of Energy-Forms that influence and guide our lives here on Earth. I began in Part 1 by considering some of the longer-term influences ranging from the Galaxy down to our Solar System ending with the influence of Pluto. In Part 2, we continued by looking at the role of Neptune. Today I will consider the role of Uranus.

The Triad of Spirit
These three planets form what I like to call the “Triad of Spirit”, and they are the principal Avatars for the energy-forms that drive the evolution of our Spiritual Journey here on Earth. Within the Will of the One, whose Circumference holds the entirety of Creation, Pluto is for us, in our system, the Avatar of the maker of the Boundaries for and the Containers of all the lesser Spirit-Forms ranging from Galaxies, to Stars to Planets, and all the countless life-forms that fill the heavens. Throughout this seemingly infinitude of Containers within the all-encompassing One, Neptune represents for us the Energy-Form that fills these Spaces of Space. It is said that Space is not “empty” but is in truth a Fullness, called the Pleroma, and that all of Space is the One. The fundamental Energy-Form that fills the Spaces of Space is Life, it is the Love of the One, and we humans know this as Unconditional Love. Uranus is the Third Principle of the Triune Nature of God, and from it we are each made into a Self-Aware unique, special, and individual embodiment of the One.

If Pluto is the Will of God, and Neptune is the Love of God, then Uranus is the Mind of God. What I like to say is that within every mote and particle of Creation, in every Galaxy, Star, Planet, and in every creature great and small, there is a spark of the Divine which has some degree of awareness. That spark of the Divine is the Monad of that entity, formed by the Will, and the Love and the Mind of the One Spirit, the Primal Cause for everything and everyone.

Because of this, the Ancient Wisdom holds that the entire Universe is not only Alive but equally holds that every-thing and every-being is endowed with some degree and form of Consciousness. Yes, the whole Universe is alive and awake, from the most infinitesimal particles, on up through atoms and molecules, to life-forms small and large, on up to the Magisterial lords of the planets, stars, and galaxies. Because all these many ones are part of the One Will, and the One Love, and equally the One Mind of God, the whole of Creation can also be experienced as pure Spiritual Consciousness.

Sparks of the Divine, The Monads
That is why the followers of the Ancient Teachings know and understand this: Creation is the journey of the Monads of Spirit who are Sparks of the Divine; Creation is the journey of Spiritual Consciousness through Energy-Forms that are formed and informed by the Will, Love and Mind of the One. As a Monad progresses through lives and forms, it will unfold evermore its capacity for Individuality. Each Spark of the Divine, each Monad, is a unique or individual expression of the Divine. What I like to say is that the essential constitution of each Monad carries a “Quintessence” of that Spark of the Divine, and it is that particular spiritual quintessence that makes you and I the very special ones that we are. And much of what makes you special is held by the Avatar Uranus, the Avatar of Individuation by Freer Minds.

Through the journey in space-time, and by a series of forms, and lived in innumerable lives, each Monad will at some point enter the realm of Self-Aware Consciousness, of which our Human Kingdom is one.

The Awakening
The story told of this moment is found in many teachings, myths, and legends. It is when the “gods” walked among us; it is when the Light-Bearers came to us. It was their Karmic Duty to pass on the light of self-awareness, and we entered our first truly human state of self-aware consciousness. Before then, we had been partially conscious but held within a realm of shadows and ignorance; when we woke up, we crossed a fundamental threshold that divides the darkness from the light.

From that moment onwards, our spiritual quickening was established, as we began to be guided consciously by our own Will, Love, and by an ever more Self-Aware Consciousness; we were now able to become more conscious co-creators of this Creation. Through our awakening, the unfoldment of our Divine potential became more insistent, as it was now being forged by an ever increasingly self-determined and self-aware consciousness whose principle instrument is held by the Avatar that is Uranus.

But this also set in motion one of the greater challenges of our journey. We have had to struggle with the spiritual challenge of trying to hold together the seemingly conflicting Energy-Forms of Uranus and Neptune within the Crucible of the Will formed by Pluto. We are still attempting to find a way to weave together and balance the Neptunian “Song of Communality” with the Uranian “Song of Individuality”.

Communality and Individuality, Driver of History
Throughout human history, (or maybe it is better understood that this is the driver to the story of this human phase of our journey), the attempt to balance and integrate the creative tension between selflessness and self-assertion, between community and individuality, between Unconditional Love and Freer Minds has been the principal driver for the rise and fall of communities, cultures and civilizations. It may come as no surprise that we find ourselves in a moment that certainly highlights this challenge right now.

As I discussed in the last show, the role of Neptune is to be the Avatar of the overarching paradigm of beliefs in any community, culture, or civilization. It is what I call the Holder of the encompassing Bubble of Beliefs; and that Paradigm of Belief is made up of many smaller and interlaced belief bubbles that are held by sections and subgroups within any culture. As I noted, when you look at any community, culture, and civilization there will be one or more overarching or circumscribing “Bubbles of Belief” that are shared by many. But the various sub-groups/sub-cultures may hold other subsets of “Bubbles of Belief”, which will be tethered by and held together by the overarching Reality-Form. However, some of these “Bubbles of Beliefs” may become somewhat less or completely untethered to the general Paradigm of Belief of that group, culture, or civilization.

Uranus, Freer Minds
Looking to the Role of Uranus, which is to foster and develop our Individuality by Freer Minds and more self-aware understandings, those individuals and groups who are developing more spiritually individuated minds may separate from the main belief system, as it may no longer be sufficient for them; they are thinking more “for themselves”. Within any one Bubble of Belief there will be sometimes more and sometimes fewer members who have separated themselves from the main belief structure because of their own spiritually individuating journey.

These Freer Thinkers have moved beyond the orthodox or typical beliefs, and by so doing they have often raised their understanding to a more inclusive and spiritual place of understanding. In a way, they become a vanguard or advanced section of those humans in that period. The determination that they have indeed progressed spiritually is that they hold themselves in a fundamental attunement with the One, with the Triad of Spirit. If so, then we can see that they are guided by Freer Minds, Unconditional Love and Centered Wills.

But it is equally possible that other individuals and groups may use their so-called freer minds to create subsets of belief that are spiritually regressive, a turning-back to a more limited belief structure. There are many examples of these so-called freer thinkers looking to the past, with a desire to return to what they consider to be a better time than the present; they think and act so as to restore or resurrect a hierarchy of belief and value which restores their vision of what is “the old good”. But we will find that most of these individuals and groups are driven by fear and not love; that rather than the inclusivity of Unconditional Love as the basis of Spiritual Truth they divide their world into “us” and “them”.

Throughout History, one can find periods where the majority in a community or culture hold to a more or less well-defined and accepted belief system; but there are periods where this commonality of belief breaks down. As I noted in the last show, the period we are in with Neptune in Pisces from 2011 to 2026, and the parallels to the other times in history when Neptune was there, certainly creates conditions for the permeability and dissolution of the integrity of the presiding Paradigm, and the over-arching “Bubble of Belief” pops. At such times there is great confusion, with multiple and conflicting claims as to what is a fact, or how to determine what is true and what is false. This is the time we are in now.

Uranus in Taurus
I do not suppose that it would surprise you that the contribution of Uranus to our present circumstance is also an especially important factor. Uranus is in Taurus from 2018 to 2026. If we look to history, the indications are rather striking. Uranus was also in Taurus from 1935 to 1942, and 1851 to 1859, and 1768 to 1775. With Taurus being the holder for the experience of Value, Uranus as the Awakener will lead to an eruption of change in the experience and understanding of values during these periods; it will drive any social order to face a crisis, breakdown and shift in the values of their community and culture.

For example, the 1935–42 passage witnessed a great upheaval in the world with regards to questions of value and the Economic-Political order, with the struggle coming from the crisis of the Great Depression between Capitalism, Socialism, Communism and Fascism. The 1851–59 passage saw the clash between the two value systems and two Cultural-Economic orders in the USA, between the Free Labor economy in the North, and Slave Labor economy in the South. The 1768–1775 passage witnessed the struggle of two political-economies, Colonialism or Self-Determination as the American colonies struggled to assert greater self-determination over their lives leading up to the start of the Revolutionary War.

In each of these periods, revolt, rebellion even revolution was permeating the cultural and political order. A great clash of ideas and ideologies led to schisms and conflicts over essential values between groups and regions. An old order of value was being challenged by a series of crises of value that were in fact the end product of the old order crumbling into a failing hierarchy of value and belief.

Uranus and Neptune, Parallels in Time
If we are to draw parallels about the role of Uranus and Neptune acting in concert in these periods, and considering our own present circumstance, I would have to state that our time is much like the 1850’s to the 1860’s, where both Uranus was in Taurus and Neptune in Pisces. That is where they both are now. Once again, we are faced with both the breakdown of a Universally shared Paradigm of Belief by Neptune, while we are also faced with the shattering of the old value system by Uranus that was established at the end of World War II.

Freedom, The Illusion
Yes, it would seem, given that Neptune in Pisces has blurred the lines between Truth, Fact and Delusion, and Uranus has Freed our minds with regards to questions of Value, given this Protean moment in history, each of us is “freer” than we have been before. We are free to decide what is true and what is not, we can determine what is fact and what is fiction. Given the power to believe anything and determine what is and what is not, we are truly freer now than ever before.

But it certainly does not seem freer, does it? Why, what is missing? What we are missing is that we are only human, and we cannot think or believe in a manner that is separate from the Greater Reality of which we are a very small part; we cannot, on our own, be definers of what is real and what is not real. That belongs to a higher power.

Laws of the Universe
The Laws of the Universe are just that, Universal Laws that are the embodiment of the One; and for that very reason those same Truths and Laws reside within each of us as well. Whether we are looking through the Metaphysical lens of Spirituality, or the Logical lens of Philosophy, or the Physical lens of Science, all of these are ordered and held together as one by the Will, Love, and Mind of the One. Truth is out there in the whole of Creation; and that means that it equally abides in our very constitution from the physical to the spiritual realm in each human being. But to truly discover and understand this truth you must act humanly; we are co-creators of our consciousness; we need to share with one another. That very word we use to define our awareness, consciousness, means “knowing-together”.

Yes, you can make things up, you can suppose or even believe what is physically, logically, or spiritually true for you…but that will never make it so. So, the question becomes, what can, or should you do with your limited free will and with your limited free mind?

What you must first acknowledge is that we do live in a Creation that is governed by Spiritual, Mental, Emotional and Physical Laws, and that in order for your values and beliefs to really approach the Truth, they must correspond with this Greater Reality. Fortunately, much has been discovered, discerned, and is available for you already. You are the heir to a great fortune, found in the Halls of Spiritual Wisdom, in the Holy Teachings forming the heart of every Religion, and in the pursuit of the Truths of Science with regards to the physical laws of the Universe. The greatest minds that ever lived have left you a legacy, and you can build your understanding upon what has been given to you. Start with these gifts from the wise ones; build your temple of truth on the foundations made by the great ones whose work and gifts are eternal.

How to know Truth
But the journey of discovery and the establishment of truth is an ever-evolving endeavor. The most essential gift of having a freer mind is your capacity to question, test and validate a theory or law or fact. There is nothing wrong with this, it is in fact necessary to your spiritual growth and the pursuit of Truth. You are not here merely to accept what you read or what you are told; you must seek to understand for yourself, to affirm and then add to the gifts of your ancestors.

How do we establish what is truer, or more factual? We do what we have always done ever since we woke up; we need to be human; we need to remember that we made one another through our gift of sharing with one another. We humans are storytellers, and we need to tell each other our stories, share our experiences, compare our findings, and keep refining from all these impressions, experiences, discoveries, and realizations of what is “truly truer”. We need one another to lift one another up to our Greater Understanding.

We need to listen to one another and understand where we agree and where we have a difference. But we need to balance Uranus, our critical, doubting, questioning intelligence with Neptune, by always remembering that we are made of one another and we must always treat one another as we would wish to be treated; we need to weave together our Freer Minds with our Unconditional Love for one another.

We need to hold together these three Avatars: By Pluto we forge our Centered Wills so that we will never trespass upon another; with Neptune we act with Unconditional Love because we are ones of the One; and with Uranus we strive for Freer Minds to understand ourselves and our Universe. Only together can these powers work; only together can we be better humans.

Yes, it is by following the path of the Lonely Ones, the Wise Ones, the Teachers and Healers, that is the only way. We must forever strive for more Self-Control through a Centered Will, Kindliness through Unconditional Love, and Wisdom through Freer Minds.

This is the path.

It has always been the path.

For those on the path, we say “Let Thy Will be Done”.

For This is the Way of the One.

And we are the ones of the One.



Bill Attride
Bill Attride

Written by Bill Attride

Mr. Attride is known for his unique integration of the spiritual and the psychological dimensions of Astrology.

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